
Weekend Wrap-Up

It was a full, fun weekend! Kase and team played in Omaha and went 3-3.  Such a cool experience for the team and Kase pitched really well all weekend! 

Top Golf was a hit with the boys too.

One of the biggest highlights of the weekend was the College World Series that Kent and Kase went to with a few friends and Keith and Cindy.  Kase got the home run ball from Christian Moore that was only the second time in CWS history that someone had hit for the cycle! 

Seriously so, so cool!! What a memory!

Meanwhile Kylee was home having fun with friends. Sunset photo shoot on the beach, sleepover, an attempt at the Farmer's Market (too rainy) and later a movie with Garrett. I think she had a good weekend! Kael was busy with work, running/biking with a friend and late night steak grilling- ha. 

I split my time between home and Omaha so I could see the boys play.  So proud of what Kent has created with this team and I love seeing Kase do his thing.


Today we celebrate Kent and what a great dad he is! He's the first to make everyone laugh, he shows up to every kid's event as often as he can which is almost always! He works so hard for our family and we're so lucky he's ours.  We had a surprising free afternoon and everyone was up for an adventure so we took off for the pond! Had a great afternoon fishing and swimming and my parents came up too.  Later we went to Clear Lake to have dinner with them and walk uptown to get ice cream and people watch by the water! Beautiful night and love making memories with my people!

Kylee was the lucky fisherwoman of the trip! She caught a lot of bass!

Loved getting to spend time with my dad on Father's Day in one of our favorite places!

Great teamwork here! Kase loved being a helper in the water.  The flies were biting so he swam almost the whole time to keep them away!

I'm the luckiest.  Love this guy so much.  Really excited to be in the same city as him for the rest of the month after spending much of our late May/early June going different directions for trips, baseball, etc.!

What a great weekend.  Love our life so much. 


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