
Weekend Wrap-Up

We celebrated Kylee at her track banquet last week- so many accolades! First Team All Conference, Academic Award and another Varsity Letter.  Yay Kylee!


Hoooooray summer is here! Kase had fun with his buddies on the last day of school just playing wiffle ball and biking to ice cream.  

The boys took off for Canada on Saturday! Kael caught the first fish! 

Kylee and I made our own fun here.  We went to my nephew's baseball games, went out for lunch, ran, walked then she hung out with her boyfriend. She also had a friend's grad party, tanned with a friend and went to a bonfire. 

Monday we both ran, she went to the gym then went to a pool party at Garrett's. I did a few things around the house, went to a movie and for a long walk. 

The guys sent a couple more pictures and it seems like they are having a great time!

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