
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Love the long weekends! I do miss late starts a little bit but having an extra day off from school a month is awesome.

Kase had Junkyard Wednesday night and I thought this picture was cute of him working while wearing his coat and backpack.

Also love this picture of him and Huston twinning when they ran into each other at overlapping practices last week!

Meanwhile Kent and I snuck away for a little date night at our favorite spot while Kylee was at the ISU/Iowa basketball game with Garrett.

Friday after school Kase hung out with one of his buddies and had dinner at Tropical Smoothie then went to the basketball game.  Sounds like there was a big middle school crowd there! 

Saturday Kase went to watch Tyson's basketball game then also had some friends who were playing at the same gym so he got to see them too. Kylee went for a long run and then out for lunch and to Garrett's and then to church with her friend Sarah.  Kase had three basketball games in Indianola and went 2-1.  Meanwhile, Kael had his college athlete debut!! He had an indoor meet at Central and Kent, my parents and his parents went to watch. Also Kael's girlfriend came to see him.  I'm so proud of him!


Sunday we spent the day getting a ton of stuff done.  Kylee organized her room in preparation for new furniture. Kase had a football camp then spent the rest of the day playing with his best buddy.  After church Kent and I worked on Christmas stuff, cleaned, took down Kylee's bed, I baked cookies, we went for a walk- all sorts of things.  Later in the day Kylee and I got pedicures.  Fun, productive day.

Monday was a no school day.  Kylee went for a long run, Kase played with friends all day then had basketball.  Kylee and her boyfriend were celebrating their two year anniversary! He brought her some beautiful flowers and also chocolates and a Starbucks gift card.  They spent the afternoon Christmas shopping then ate out at Johnny's that night.  Kent and I had the Rotary holiday party. 

Ready for a great week!

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