
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Kase and I have been doing a ton of rollerblading! He always wants to go right before bed and as soon as he wakes up.  Night rollerblades are our favorite.

Friday afternoon Kase and his friends stopped for fro-yo on the way home from school.  I think they love having some independence! He played with friends for awhile then later went on a bike ride to a park and had dinner at a friend's house.  Kent took Kylee to Ames and they had a fun dinner together then went to the Jags game.

Saturday Kent and Kase tailgated and went to the ISU/UNI game with friends. They had a blast!

Kylee had a long run then I took her for lunch and shopping in the District.  Fun girls day.  We also stopped to get her Homecoming dress altered and grabbed afternoon coffees at Smokey Row.  Love spending time with her. Later we went to Target to browse and when the boys got home we ordered pizza and had a nice night at home.  Picked a bunch more apples, Garrett came over and the kids played some KanJam and then Kent and Kase had an early night watching a movie.

Sunday Kent, Kase and I went to early service and Kylee and her boyfriend went to second service then lunch.  Kase fished with a friend and Kent worked in the garage putting up new shelves.  Later I took Kase and a friend to the pool. Then Kylee took the boys to Urban Air and she went to a bible study and picnic with one of her best friends at Saylorville.

Monday we got some more things done around home- Kylee helped me sort through old tubs and pick things to donate and we had fun reliving some old memories.  Kent taught Kase to mow then Kase went to a friend's house to swim.  Kylee and I went to her boyfriend's football game then she had cross country.  

It was a great, productive weekend! We heard from Kael a few times and it sounded like he was having a blast participating in all the campus activities like a scavenger hunt, water balloon fight and Capture the Flag.  I'm so happy for him!

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