
Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful that Kent's mom was able to help transport Kylee to an appointment this week.  So nice having so much help in town.  

I'm thankful my parents were able to plant Kase's sunflower at the A frame! Kase had brought one home from school a month or so ago and said he wanted to plant it there which I thought was so sweet.  It was getting pretty big for the little cup it was in here so my parents were heading that way and planted it for him.  

I'm thankful for Kael's amazing memory. Kase was a little (ok, a lot ) behind on his book club book the other day and Kael happened to see him reading it and said, "Oh man, I remember that book! I loved that one!" and then he was able to fill Kase in on a few main points and help him get caught up in understanding it.

I'm thankful for a wonderful email from Kase's teacher saying he is making big improvements on his test scores lately.  Woohoo!

I'm thankful for sweet messages from some close friends about how nice and polite Kase was when he went to their house the other day.

I'm thankful for friends who take Kase for ice cream.

I'm thankful for little moments between the siblings that I catch.  Kael picked up his guitar the other day and started playing and Kylee ran into his room and said, "Oh my favorite song!" and sat with him for awhile and listened to him play.  (It was a country song she knows well.) She also told him that sometimes when he's playing and Garrett is over he comments on how well Kael can play.  So sweet. 

I'm thankful for a nice message from Cindy about Kase the other day- we all laughed about how Kase was pitching while blowing a big wad of bubble gum with his shirt half untucked...oh Kase.  I'm thankful for so many people who appreciate his spunky personality. 

I'm thankful for a very unexpected text from a couple we met while in Belize saying they are missing us on their current Jones trip. I haven't talked to them in years- it was so sweet they thought of us. 

Have a great week!

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