
Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful Kylee jumped right back into volleyball after vacation! These girls gritted their way to a second place finish at a 16s tournament on Sunday!

I'm thankful we were able to join for a birthday celebration for my niece! Love anytime we can get together.

Oldest/youngest cousin!

I'm thankful that Kase wanted me to stay with him on Sunday night.  I tucked him in and then shortly after, I heard a soft voice calling, "Mom?" so I went back in.  For reference- Kase never has us lay with him and never needs anything after we tell him goodnight once.  He typically rolls over and falls asleep immediately.  Sunday had been a tough one, though.  We had tons of makeup school work to do and on top of that, his sinuses were acting up and he just didn't feel well.  Anyhow, he said, "Mom, do you wanna stay with me for a little bit? You don't have to.  But you can." So of course, I did.  His little hand reached out and held onto mine and I could have just cried.  So sweet and innocent and tired and stressed.  

I'm thankful for a visit from Keith and Cindy the other night! Kase was especially thankful that Grandma brought his favorite fruit pizza!

I'm thankful that Kael and Kase both had fun at the boys state basketball game yesterday.  Kael drove down with a friend and Kase went with a big group of buddies. What a crew.

I'm thankful for a sweet paper Kase wrote in school about fishing at the A frame.  I can tell he worked really hard on it and I'm so thankful for all the wonderful family memories we have at that place. 

I'm thankful for a very free week and a half ahead! We haven't been home over Spring Break for several years and I'm looking forward to being very not busy. 

I'm thankful for Kael that it worked out for him to ask a friend to Prom yesterday and she said yes. I'm just so, so happy for him!!!!

Happy Thursday!

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