
Weekend Wrap-Up

Kase had his Valentine's party on Friday- I can't believe we have come to the end of an era and it was the last Valentine box I would help my kids make! Kase took a popcorn bucket and I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it- he was pretty proud. His teacher gave them all sunglasses- here is his class this year.

Friday night Kent and I celebrated Valentine's early. We went out for dinner and had a really nice time.  Kylee was at Winter Jam with her friends!

Kael had taken Kase out for dinner then dropped him off to watch Brooklyn play soccer then Kael headed to Waukee NW to watch the high school basketball game.  Kase had fun with his cousins and saw tons of friends he knew at the Sports Complex! My parents brought him back home and Kent and I were home shortly after that.

Saturday morning Kael and Kylee had Day of Love which is a big service day for their youth group.

Kase had a basketball tournament- his team went 1-2 and played only 6th grade teams so not too bad but wasn't our best day.

My mom caught this shot of Kase during the game- so funny!

We had a pretty lazy night around here Saturday night. 

Sunday Kael worked, the rest of us went to church and Kylee volunteered in the nursery.  Later Kase had baseball camp and Kylee had volleyball camp and I spent the day getting ready to host some friends for the Super Bowl. Kael went to a friend's house to watch it and had a great time.  Kase had some of his buddies here and we had a fun night too!

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