
Weekend Wrap-Up

Big weekend around here! The kids didn't have school Friday or Monday so we made the most of it!

Friday night Kent had a poker night with the baseball team dads and their kids.  A great time was had by all. 

Saturday morning Kylee and I headed to Kansas City for a big volleyball tournament. 

We went 2-1 the first day!

Back home Kael was at work and Kent and Kase watched a couple basketball games of our nieces. Kase and Brooklyn had fun watching together.

Kent sent me this picture of him and Kase getting groceries and I had to laugh out loud.

They had a fun boys night here.

Sunday morning the girls had time for brunch before their games.

Love this group!

Then back to the courts. This was a rougher day for us. 1-2.

But Kent and Kael had a great day! They went to the Vikings game! 

Would have loved a different outcome but they got to see a good game and had a great time together.  

Meanwhile, Kase was playing ball.  He wasn't feeling well in the middle of the day so my parents took him home for a little rest and he came back for the final game!

Kylee and I had a pizza picnic in our room then enjoyed hanging out with a few of the girls and their moms.

Kase had a great time sleeping over at my parents'. He loves showing Grandpa Terry his football cards.

Kylee and I had another late volleyball start so we walked to a cute coffee shop near our hotel.  Love spending time with my girl.

Kase had another basketball tournament on Monday and sounds like he played hard! 

We headed to the silver bracket on Monday and went easily undefeated.  We were missing one of our setters this day so it was fun to see the girls come together and adjust to that.

A great weekend!!

Today is the start of a new semester for the bigs and Kase had early band so needless to say we were all getting a pretty slow start this morning- thankful for a short week! Big shoutout to our village who helped out with Kase while Kent, Kael, Kylee and I were out of town.  He loved spending time with grandparents!

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