
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Hope you all have been staying healthy- tons of our extended family and friends have had a rough week with illness so praying we all get to the holidays without any more sickness!

Wednesday Kent and Kael went to a concert downtown.  Love that these two have similar interest in music and get to spend time making these fun memories together.

Friday night Kylee had a friends Christmas party at our house! We had so much fun making little gifts for the girls and setting up a Hot Cocoa bar for them. They had a fun gift exchange too!

They also went up to church to do a gingerbread decorating contest- fun!

Meanwhile. Kent was a huge help by taking the boys to the Iowa Wolves game so that our house was a little more free for the girls!

They had a great time and Kent even knew someone who got the boys up super close to the court.

Saturday Kase's team got 2nd place in Newton.  They played so hard all day and won two really close games! Kase even told me, "I think that was my best game ever" as he had a big block at a very crucial point in the game.  One of our players went home sick before the Championship game and we were pretty tired with only 6 players but the boys fought hard and their runner-up finish ended up qualifying them for a big tournament in March!

That night was one of my favorite nights of the year! Festival of Choirs! Kael looked so nice.

We went to dinner at the new Filet steakhouse in town before the event and we all really enjoyed it!

Kase got to come with us to Festival of Choirs and it was so neat to see it through his eyes since it was his first time.  His eyes got so big when the choir surrounded us in the aisles and behind us and had candles and everything.

Kael and his buddy Gabe.

I am so, SO impressed with this event each year.  What a special night. 

I will never forget hearing them sing "Oh Holy Night" and seeing Kael right there in the very middle by the big Christmas tree. I'm so, so happy he stuck with choir all these years. 

What a great night!

Sunday we all went to church- Kael works a lot on Sunday mornings so it was so nice for us all 5 to be at church together at the same time! Later Kase played with friends and Kael had his last Festival of Choirs performance.  Keith and Cindy got to go watch! Later Kent and I met up with some friends for a bit then Kylee had volleyball. Kael did some shopping for his siblings and a few church group leaders and I was SO impressed with what he came home with to give.  Later we wrapped gifts, did a puzzle, watched Hawkeye basketball and then Kael went to the gym.  It was a great weekend! 

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