
Thankful Thursday

 I'm so thankful that Kylee was feeling healthy and strong enough to have a great race yesterday!

I'm so thankful for this team and the coaches who support her. 

I'm so thankful for all the hard work Kylee has put in! Proud to say she is a state qualifier as a freshman!

Love this girl so much.

But most of all, I was so, SO thankful to see her smiling at the finish line. 

I'm thankful Kase didn't mind getting pulled out of school on Harry Potter Day (they were in the middle of the movie, even!) to come cheer on his sister!

I'm thankful when her goofy side comes out and she wants me to send pictures of her like this to her boyfriend. 

I'm thankful for coaches who believe in her and who pour so much into this team.

Go Jags!!!! I'm thankful for all the family who comes out to cheer for Kylee and so thankful for the friends who check in on her and for her boyfriend who lends a listening ear when she gets tired of listening to advice from us.  Kylee has so many people who love and care for her and I'm just so happy to see her happy.

I'm also thankful that Kael got to have a fun senior football breakfast out yesterday morning and they got to skip lifting that day.  Hard to believe his senior football season is coming to an end!

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