
Weekend Wrap-Up

Spring Break has been off to a great start! Thursday night Kent and I went to Funny Bone with some good friends- we hadn't been there forever! It was a fun time.  

Kylee was hanging out with her boyfriend and Keith and Cindy stopped by for awhile to hang out with Kase while Kael was working- always thankful for their help!

Friday Kase had a fun morning lounging around with his friends.  Kylee and her friend and I all got pedicures and Kael went to the gym.  Later Kael met up with Kent, Keith, Cindy and Kyle for lunch at Wig and Pen, Kase went to the State Basketball tournament with a buddy, and I took Kylee and Mylee to the mall.  Such a fun day for everyone!

We had great luck at the mall- these girls found lots of cute stuff!

Saturday Kael worked, Kylee and Kent took off for Bettendorf for a volleyball tournament and I got things done around here- starting to pack and stuff for vacation. Kase went to a friend's house (and jumped off the deck onto their trampoline- eek!) and I watched the Hawkeye game.  Iowa basketball has been so fun for us to watch this year! 

Later that evening the boys and I got dinner at Sports Page then came home to sit in the hot tub.  Kylee's team won all their matches and got done early so she and Kent actually headed home late that night.

Sunday morning Kael worked and Kase played with friends and the rest of us packed up got ready for vacation! We are headed to Clearwater later this afternoon!

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