
Weekend Wrap-Up

 The last weekend before Christmas- I can't believe it! Here's how we spent it.

Kent and I had a quick date night at Vintage Brewhouse- a new little coffeeshop by our house and it's super cute! Kylee had a sleepover with a friend and Kael had late night movie plans with his friend.  Kent also took Kase and his buddy to the new SpiderMan movie and they had a blast! 

Saturday Kase had a basketball tournament.  He got to play point guard a lot this weekend and did a great job! The boys got second place and played really well.

I can't say enough about how proud I am of this buddy.  He truly gave it his all and played so hard those last ten minutes.

Sunday was Patterson family Christmas.  It was so great spending the day with everyone!

Krue loves Uncle Kent.

And Kael!

Kylee is always a great help with the little cousins. They adore her.

Kase loves Lulu and King! He even took them for a walk. 

Kase's Bills shirt and socks were a hit!

Kael loved his shirt from Uncle Kyle.

The gift exchange game was a highlight as usual but extra fun this year because Kael and Kylee got to participate!

We played lots of ping pong and pinball and played a few Minute to Win It games.  It was a great day! 

Kylee had volleyball practice later that night with a Secret Santa gift exchange too.  She's really loving it at Plex and I'm so happy for her.  

Just two short days of school this week- I'm ready for Christmas break with my people!!

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