
Weekend Wrap-Up

The highlight of this weekend was Festival of Choirs for Kael! I love, love, LOVE this event each year.  More than 500 choir students put on the best show and it totally puts me in the Christmas spirit.  I'm so happy Kael is a part of this!

They do three shows throughout the weekend and my parents and Kent's parents got to go also.

So proud of this buddy. 

Kael's *other* highlight of the weekend was officially passing Kent in height!

Earlier in the weekend we finally had time to put up the Christmas tree in Kent's office.  Kylee is always the best helper with this.  Kase came along too this year and mostly spent time throwing a football around Kent's office but, still, he was there!

Kylee went bowling and out for ice cream with a (boy)friend Friday  night and Sunday Kase had a basketball tournament. It wasn't the best day for our team but Kase played hard all day.

My parents also took the kids out for a couple meals this weekend while Kent and I were at the Festival of Choirs and at the tournament which was so nice. Kylee also hung out at Grandpa Keith and Grandma Cindy's while cousins Kellen and Krue were there and she loved that.  Fun, busy weekend and we are all getting so excited for Christmas AND Christmas break around here!!!

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