
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Everyone was happy when Dad got home!

He had a great time in Vegas though, with a great group of guys.

While he was gone we enjoyed seeing pictures of the little house my dad built and even getting a gnome for him to add to it!

Had a nice weekend- Friday Kael picked up a work shift, Kase had a birthday party at Sky Zone to go to, Kylee went to the high school basketball game with a friend and had a sleepover.

Saturday we got a few things done around the house, Kase got a haircut, which he always complains about having to do but every time he gets one he loves it.  Ha. Kael worked again, Kylee and I grabbed coffee at Smokey Row and saw the tree and Christmas stuff going on at The District.  Then we all went to our neighbor's house to watch the Hawkeye game.  What a bummer loss but we still had a fun night and Kase has had the best time feeling like he's a part of the season. His school even was on the news for surprising his principal and wearing all black and gold to support the Hawks!

Sunday Kael worked, Kent, Kase and I went to Pleasantville for a basketball tournament.  The boys went 1-2 on the day, including losing by just one point to DCG.  Kase played great all day though! Meanwhile, Kylee got to have lunch out with Grandma and Grandpa and then got to enjoy a baking day with the family!!!

Later that night Kylee had volleyball practice, Kael went to the gym and I took Kase up to our church to see their Christmas light show.  Super cool!

Have a great week!

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