
Weekeknd Wrap-Up

Thursday afternoon Kase had hitting lessons then a bunch of his buddies spent the afternoon playing around the neighborhood.  Eventually there were just three of them hanging out and Kase asked if they could stay over so we had a last minute sleepover here with some of Kase's best buddies.  Fun start to Spring Break for him!

Kylee had volleyball that night and it was a fun game night where each of the girls got to plan a game/drill.  She had a good time.

Friday morning the boys  were all up early.  They sat in the hot tub and I made them a big breakfast and they had a fun morning hanging out.  That afternoon Kase met a different friend at the park then went back to his house to play. Kylee went to a friend's house in the afternoon and stayed for a sleepover.  Kael and I stopped by Keith and Cindy's to hang out for just a bit- Kevin, Kaity and the kids were there too.  So good to see them. Kent was at happy hour with one of his friends, then when he got home we took the boys to dinner at Portofino's.  The service was terrible but the food was good and the kids were so patient. Later that night Kael went to Friday Knight Fusion at the House of Rogues. This is totally new to us and I didn't know anything about it but it's associated with our church and Kael had a couple friends go with him and it sounds like they had a great time! Just a fun place for teens to hang out. 

Saturday morning Kent and I went for a long walk then started getting a few things ready for vacation.  Kase very begrudgingly got his haircut then spent the rest of the day playing with friends.  Later they went to Urban Air together.  Kael hung out with us all day- he's been looking at new trucks (for fun) and that entertained him most of the day. Kylee stayed at her friend's house all day. We ordered pizza here and had a nice night.

Sunday we spent most of the day packing and getting ready for vacation.  We had lunch with my parents at Sports Page then later we stopped by Keith and Cindy's for a bit.  Kylee and I ran a couple errands looking for some new shirts for her for the trip but didn't find anything we liked.  She had volleyball practice that evening and the boys just hung out. Kent and Kase played some catch between rainstorms. We are so ready for vacation!!!

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