
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for cousin bowling! Seriously this was such a fun afternoon! 

I'm thankful for a good snow storm! The kids loved being out in it and Kase, of course, wanted to play football in it. Because that's what Kase does.  Football, all day, every day.

I'm thankful for good friends and snow ice cream.

I'm thankful for a teenage son who is willing to help his dad clear his grandparents' driveway on the night of the snowstorm.

Kase is thankful for a sweet fresh haircut. He is far and away my child most interested in being trendy.

Yes, that's a lightning bolt shaved into the side of his head.  He is thrilled.

I'm thankful that Kylee got to have a fun sleepover with a new friend Tuesday night.  

I'm thankful that Kael was willing to play on the big snow pile at the school with Kase the other day when I made encouraged them both to get off their iPads/phones/Switch/xBoxes/VR. Turns out they can have fun together outside!!!

I'm super thankful for Cindy who popped over last night to hang with Kase while the big kids were at a sleepover and a practice so I could surprise Kent and take him out for dinner to celebrate some recent work accomplishments.

We don't have big New Year's plans this year and honestly, that is just fine with me.  I'm looking forward to clocking some more time with my favorite people.  We've been into playing Sequence, Genius Star and Trivial Pursuit.  It's going to be a great night!

Wishing you all the best in 2021!

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