
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Happy November! Halloween looked a little different for us this year but we had a great weekend!

Friday afternoon Kael left for his football game at Southeast Polk. I snapped a quick front porch pic before he left- so sad they weren't all three dressed up for trick or treat together! Kylee was only part way ready and Kase was in a hurry to rush off to a friend's but this is what we got this year.  

By the way, I love Kylee's (and Kael's- not pictured) Among Us pumpkin this year! Do you play? We are moderately obsessed.  Mostly it's just really fun to have something all five of us (plus whichever friends are over) can all play together!

Kylee had been looking forward to a fun night with friends.  These cute hula girls had a blast.  I couldn't ask for a sweeter group of friends for Kylee. 

They had pizza and Halloween themed snacks and mostly just had fun getting ready together. They trick or treated for a bit and had a blast! 

Kase went to his friend's house before trick or treat for Mummy Dogs and Moldy Mac and Cheese. (crescent dough wrapped hot dogs and macaroni dyed green)

All the boys wanted to be football players- imagine my surprise! (Plus a cute watermelon little sister). Kase is all in on the Chiefs this year. 

I stayed home and handed out candy while Kent went to Kael's game with my parents.  Loved seeing these sweet faces at my door! 

They found a ninja friend along the way!

The aftermath is the best part! One of Kase's buddies joined us to watch while we streamed Kael's game online. 

The girls traded candy! They reported it seemed like a normal trick or treat year but I felt like we had WAY less than usual. Kylee said many/most people in our 'hood just put a table out in the driveway instead of having people ring the doorbell.

The next morning Kylee and company wanted to go to the orchard and Kase wanted to join as long as he could bring a friend.

It was chilly at first and a bit windy but we had a blast!

The boys thought they were pretty clever taking a socially distanced photo.  

The duck race was a highlight of our day.  Seriously funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

Kael helped Kent with a bunch of yardwork (those two are such good buddies right now and Kael is always willing to help) so Kent took him out for lunch! They also picked up the electrical box we need for our hot tub so our electrician can work on it this week then rumor has it, the truck with our hot tub is scheduled to be here by the end of next week! Wahoo!

Kael helped Kent with a bunch of yardwork (those two are such good buddies right now and Kael is always willing to help) so Kent took him out for lunch! They also picked up the electrical box we need for our hot tub so our electrician can work on it this week then rumor has it, the truck with our hot tub is scheduled to be here by the end of next week! Wahoo!

That afternoon Kase had his first basketball games of the season.  Only 6 boys were able to play and we had back to back games.  I was SO impressed with how the boys played! They have improved greatly since last season and Kase has even learned how to pass instead of shoot every time he gets the ball- ha.  

Truly it was so fun seeing this group of boys back out on the court! They absolutely gave it their all and won both of their games!

Kylee's friends were still over when we got home- they had made a pizza and were watching a scary movie.  Kael had gone to a friend's house for a sleepover.  When Kylee's friends left we shamelessly Door Dashed ourselves some food (Ben's Burgers for Kase, Cancun for the rest of us) and sat down together to watch old family Vines.  It was so fun!

Sunday morning Kase was up early (thanks, Daylight Savings Time) so I watched part of a movie with him- morning snuggles are the best.  When Kent got up we braved the wind and went for a walk then watched church online, picked up Kael from the sleepover then just got a few things done around the house.  Kase went to his friend's house to hang out and have lunch.  After our lunch here, Kent and Kylee headed to the USATF qualifying meet.  It was cold and super windy but Kylee did awesome! My dad picked me up to go to the race- Kent and Kylee had gone super early for a course walk through. 

She finished a 4K in 16:56 and was so happy because she had wanted to break 17 minutes! A big accomplishment on a hilly course in this wind!

I will never get tired of watching her race! Such a fun afternoon. Super proud of this girl.

Kent treated her to Ziggi's coffee after the race- she had been wanting to try it and said it totally lived up to the hype!  Then Kent and Kael went to see It.  Kael had wanted to go for awhile and I am totally not into scary movies at all so Kent was an awesome dad and went with him! Meanwhile, Kase played with friends and Kylee cozied up in her hanging chair in her room and just watched Netflix- she was super tired! I went for a walk, baked a pie then we all had a nice dinner together when the boys got home.  I love weekends with my people!!!

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