
Thankful Thursday

I'm so thankful for Kylee and that other people notice how special she is too.  She came home from Team Awards day and she got three awards!! Sunshine (from her art teacher), Passion (from her PE teacher) and Encourager (from her Civ teacher).  Love this girl and am so proud of her.

I'm thankful for the times I catch Kael in a chatty mood.  The other night when we were watching the Jag basketball game, Kael was having so much fun telling me about his friends and stories from school.  He was laughing so hard and I loved hearing all about it.

Kase was super thankful for his Target gift card from Cindy that he finally got to spend! Walking around Target picking out new Pokémon cards was the perfect way to spend a rainy Monday afternoon!

I'm thankful that today is the last day of school before Spring Break! Can't wait to spend time with my people!

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