
Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend was filled with last minute plans and even more last minute changes but overall it was a great weekend!

Thursday night was our Art Show at preschool and it was so much fun.  Unfortunately, that evening we also got news that Grandma Jenny had a stroke, so I hurried right home after the show to talk with Kent and hear the details about his grandma.

Friday we wanted to visit her in the hospital but wanted to all go together, so we waited for Kael to get done with track practice.  By the time he showered and we got downtown and found our way to Grandma's room, we needed to change plans for a pizza party at our house we had tried to plan for that evening.  However, I was so glad we visited Grandma and we were all there.  She even woke up for part of the time and talked with all of us.  

Saturday morning Kylee had a tournament in Cedar Rapids.  We all planned to go, but the night before Kase hadn't been feeling well so at the last minute we decided to let him and Kael sleep in and Kent got up early to take Kylee to her tournament.  Her team did great! They didn't lose all day! Tournament champs! 

I had a fun day with the boys. We went to the gym, got a few things done around the house and stopped by to visit my parents.

That night we had fun, family night in.  We played cards, watched a movie and made popcorn.  It was just the night we needed.

Sunday we had my niece's birthday party- it was so good to see everyone! Feels like we haven't had the family all together for awhile.  Then Kase had another birthday party for a friend at Triad so Kent and I took Kael and Kylee to the gym.  Later Keith and Cindy stopped by.

We are excited for a big week around here! Leaving Thursday for vacation!!

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