
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful Kylee and I were able to make a pad for her window seat over break.  It's something I've been wanting to do forever and she is super happy with how it turned out!

I'm thankful for one last final fun day over break.  We used up a bunch of gift cards to have lunch out and catch a movie. I'm also thankful that Kael got invited to spend the day at his friend's house- he had so much fun!

I'm thankful for this picture.  First of all, Samson has always been Kase's favorite story out of his children's bible.  Secondly, he had long hair (not as long as Samson's) when he was little and also has a bit of a reputation as a strong man. Lastly, when he was trying to get up to get his face in this photo he completely knocked the giant structure down.  Oh, Kase.

I'm thankful the kids first day back to school was a late start.  I have a feeling everyone is going to be exhausted by this weekend!

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