
Weekend Wrap-Up

What a fun-filled May weekend! April is busy, but the fun continues on into May! 

Thursday was Mother's Day Tea at preschool. I just love these events and I'm so sad it's my last one before Kase heads off to kindergarten! I was gifted a very pretty flower in a hand-painted pot, along with an "All About My Mom" paper flower. 

Kase did a great job singing with his classmates.

Meanwhile, Kylee was at the doctor's, trying to figure out while she keeps getting bloody noses all the time.  Crossing fingers it's all taken care of now! Later in the day, both boys had their well child visits and both got shots.  They did great!

The next day, Kase was wiped out from his shots.  He didn't go to school and he took a three hour nap! 

Lucky he had rested though, because we had a big evening ahead! Kylee had planned to run in the Live Healthy Iowa track meet for quite awhile now, but Kael decided last minute to sign up! We had a fun evening watching them race. 
Kylee and her running buddies. Locals, we have been so thrilled with the Jaguar running club.  Kylee has enjoyed it so much and has really grown into a strong, confident runner!

After the track meet we raced off to a friends' son's birthday party in the neighborhood.  The kids had so much fun and stayed up super late! They still woke up bright and shiny the next morning though!

Kase had his first tee ball game of the season and he did great! It was so much fun watching him play.  

One of his best neighbor buddies is on the team with him! Cuties!

And it just so happened that this week, Kase played against one of his best preschool buddies!

After the game, all my family came over to our house to celebrate my mom's birthday.  It was a beautiful day and the cousins had a great time together.

Kael made the cupcakes for the event.  He was so proud to give one to Grandma.

The kids loved using the new convertible benches/picnic table we gave my mom. 

Aaaand they just loved being goofy together.

Later that night, after Kase went to a birthday party, we loaded up and went to Pella for Tulip Time! We try to make it every year, and even though it was a short trip this year I'm so glad we went. We got to see a lot of my family and the kids had fun playing together.

I am dying at the photo bombers (who we don't know) in the next two pictures.

We had our poffertjes! We get them every year and every year Kent stands in the super long line for us and every year he doesn't complain because he knows we love them.  

Kael is the oldest cousin on my side of the family and he had fun showing off his strength.  I love this picture of him and Alaina.  He also had Zane on his shoulders but I was too busy having a heart attack that I didn't get a picture!

This is our whole crew!!! Love that we got to see everyone.

Kase loved Addi- who is my cousin's daughter.  He just couldn't get enough of her and spent most of the parade paying attention to her instead of the parade! It was so cute. 

It was another late night since the parade doesn't even start until 8:30.  But it's so worth it.  The kids love our Summerfest parade, but going to a night parade that's all lighted is just something special.  We enjoy it every year.

Sunday morning everyone did sleep in a little! Long enough for Kent and I to enjoy coffee together on the front porch.  It was lovely. After church, he went fishing with my dad.  The kids played around in the neighborhood while I got stuff done around the house. The kids had so much fun playing with squirt guns and water table since it was 80 degrees out! Later a neighbor turned on the sprinkler for the kids to run through- and they were all wearing their clothes which they thought was hilarious and awesome. It was just a great afternoon.  Kylee later rode her bike over to another friend's house and one of Kael's friends came to play here, and I even got in a walk with one of my besties.

After that, Kent and Kase went to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie so the bigs and I rode bikes to Orange Leaf for some froyo.  A sweet ending to a perfect weekend! 

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