
Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for coffee at the library.  Just when I thought I couldn't carry on and that I would fall over from sheer exhaustion (ok so that's a little bit dramatic but Kase has been sleeping terribly again), I spotted coffee at the library.  I have strict rules about not making a second pot of coffee in one day.  Kent and I usually rip through one pot before 7 AM and for some reason, yesterday I was just wiped.  Library coffee to the rescue!

I am thankful for clothes from Tammy. I seriously needed a few new things to mix up the ol' wardrobe. 

I am thankful that we found out the kids' teacher's today! (The reason my post is a bit late today.) Kael got the teacher he wanted ("Three years in a row!" he declared) and Kylee surprisingly didn't really know any of the kids on her class list.  Still, I think she's excited.

I am thankful that Kent is going to be Kael's football coach.  Per my recommendation.  You're welcome, Kent. ;) Honestly, they really needed third grade coaches and I thought how advantageous it would be if Kent coached and he could determine practice location.  Ashland Ridge, anyone? You bet we'll be walking out our back door to practices all season long.  Get better than that! Plus, Kent has coached Kael's baseball and soccer teams and always helps out at wrestling so I thought he might as well give football a go.  Whatta guy. Kael was psyched when he found out that his dad would be his coach.

I'm thankful the kids got the chance to pick sweet corn at Grandpa Bill's the other day.  I maintain that sweet corn picked out of a grandpa's field tastes better than a-n-y-thing sold in a store or even a roadside stand.  Plus, having the kids pick corn really helps my We're Not Raising "City" Kids campaign.  Much like when I forced Kylee to jump into Grandpa Dean's pond when she thought she didn't want to "because there are lots of fish in there".   No yuppy girls around here, folks.

I'm thankful that both kids passed their swimming lessons.

I'm thankful for a fun day at Chuck E. Cheese with my mom.  Kael set a high score on a basketball game, Kylee made a new friend, and Kase danced his little heart out.  Find me on Vine if you'd like to see about ten mini videos of our day.  :)

It's been a heck of a day guys.  We found out the kids' teachers at 6:45 AM, followed by an impromptu neighborhood playdate in our driveway.  Then the kids got to have Game Day at swimming lessons which meant they were both allowed to do the lily pads (neither Kael nor Kylee is tall enough on a regular day).  Mom came over and gifted me a couple boxes of diapers and wipes (how awesome is she?!) and some new clothes for the kids, Target gift cards, Kohl's cash and fresh baked banana bread.  After that we all loaded up the Acadia and spent the afternoon playing games and eating pizza at Chuck E. Cheese.  I even let the kids have pop.  I know! Also, Kase is going through a major I Can Do It Myself phase so instead of me cutting up his pizza I just handed him a whole entire slice and let him go to town.  Heaven you guys.  There was dancing characters, music, and lights.  Kase couldn't have been happier.  Me either. :)   And it's only 3:00! We still have a birthday party ahead of us this evening and Kent doesn't know it yet, but he's going to take both Kase and Kael to the pool! What a great day! Happy Thursday!!!

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