
Weekend Wrap- Up Part II

The next big event of the weekend was Kase's baptism.  It's easy to get wrapped up in the fun of the weekend (see previous post on Color Run) or in the details of planning the post-church get together at our house, but Kase's baptism was really something special.

Before the service, I was running around all crazy, worried about what everyone would wear, wondering if the food would be ready by the time we got home from church, anxious about whether Kase would be happy/awake long enough to get baptized (although I know from experience they do, in fact, baptize screaming babies.  Ahem, Kylee. ;) but when the time finally came, God made it so clear to me what the day was really about.  I stood up there at the front of our church, with my husband by my side and my baby in my arms and I looked out into the congregation, I couldn't help but notice how very many rows "my" people took up.  How very many people were there to support Kase.  To support us.  What an amazing feeling.

Kase did awesome for baptism.  He took a short nap before being up on stage and then woke up just in time.  He was so happy up there, blowing so many spit bubbles our pastor joked that Kase was practically baptizing himself. :)

What a blessing this baby boy of ours is.

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