

Despite the reappearance of snow over these last couple days, we managed to have a fantastic weekend. Satuday Kent was gone all day to watch wrestling (Congrats Lo-Ma on an amazing victory!). I was trying to think of something fun for me and the kids to do and my dad suggested we go to Climb Iowa for the day. We got an early start because the kids have been getting up insanely early lately. Add to my list of reasons why I can't wait for spring: the time change. Their 5:45 wake-up calls will be much easier for this mom to handle when they come at 6:45 instead.

Anyhow, so the kids, me, Ama (that's what the kids call my mom. Kael had a tough time saying "Grandma" when he was little, as most kids do. What he said sounded like Ama, which is the Spanish translation for "she loves". Cute, right? And so very fitting.) and Grandpa headed to Climb Iowa and got there before it even opened. So, we had to go kill a little time at the Target down the road and stumbled upon the cutest little storytime! There was a lady in Target wearing a Cat in the Hat-type hat reading Dr. Seuss books and handing out little treat bags to the kids. Love when stuff like that happens!

Back to Climb Iowa and I wasn't sure what Kael would think. But he suited up in his harness and was ready to go! At first, he had as much fun falling as he did climbing. But he quickly got the hang of it and I was impressed at how high he could climb! Especially because I'm a teensy bit scared of heights- he definitely didn't inherit that trait. At one point he did say, "I sure wish Rob or Chad were here to help me." Chad and Rob are some pretty tall guys- Kael was thinking that if they were there to give him a boost he'd be about halfway up the wall before he had to do any real work himself! Nice thinking Kael- work smarter, not harder! :)

And I'm free, free-fallin'.....

Here it looks like he has hit a bit of a "wall". (I know, I know....way too cheesy. Couldn't help myself.)

Kylee wanted to try the climbing wall but was too young. She seized the opportunity to show off some tumbling moves on the big mats.

Sure enough, Kael was so excited about climbing that he really wanted to go back today and show his skills to Kent. So after lunch we headed there and spent the afternoon climbing again. This time I let Kylee do a little bouldering (yeah, I know some climbing terms ;). and Kael got even higher up the wall today than he had yesterday! Kent got all the way to the top which was fun for the kids to see.

What a fun weekend! Trying new things can always be difficult for Kael but leave it to my dad to think of something Kael would love so much! Thanks Dad!


Andrea said...

You cried at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I think that's more than a "teensy bit scared" of heights ;) Love it.

Laura said...

You're so right. But I would have been less scared if I was harnessed in like Kael was when he was climbing!