A little piece of heaven
Thankful Thursday
Happiness Project
Week 3 of my Happiness Project is led me to focus on "enjoying it now". While I didn't start any crafty projects or redecorating, I did find myself trying to declutter the house a bit. My neighborhood is having a garage sale this weekend so that was my motivation to get rid of a few things. Maybe that will inspire me enough to get started on a few house projects I've been hoping to get to!
I'm reflecting on this idea of "enjoying it now" and I am so disappointed in myself to admit that there were several times in my kids' lives that I couldn't help but think, "Life will be so much easier when they are older!" (think: sleeping through the night, learning to walk, potty-training) and now that my kids are older, I wish all those things back. I would kill to hold Kylee's little fingers right now and help her toddle all around the house, all the while wearing holes in the knees of my jeans but now those same little fingers so independently wave good-bye to me at preschool drop off. I would give anything have Kael all cuddled up in blankets on my lap to rock to sleep at naptime but now he barely fits in my lap at all and rarely makes time to sit there.
I will continue to post randomly about my own little Happiness Project but for the time being I won't do weekly posts on a "theme". To wrap this up I thought I'd post some Happiness Commandments (some from the book that I liked, and some that are just my own).
- A place for everything and everything in its place.
- Something's gotta give
- Slow down.
- Cut people slack.
- Fair is not always equal.
- The days are long but the years are short.
- Do good, feel good.
- Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out yet, it's not the end.
- Pay attention.
- Take care to appear happy and especially to be so.
"Dear God,
Please let me be able to hold Brooklyn soon. I love her so much in my heart.
"Mom, Kylee broke my tooth"
At first I didn't even realize what had happened because Kael didn't seem like he was hurt at all. (It is highly characteristic of kids on the autism spectrum to have a high pain tolerance- people think, "Oh, Kael's so tough!" but actually one time he totally sliced open his finger on something and came to me with a fistful of blood and all he said was, "Mom my hand feels funny.") Finally he showed me his chipped tooth was incredibly nonchalant about it. Of course it couldn't have been one of his loose teeth that got chipped!
So, that's how my weekend started. How's your weekend going?
Thankful Thursday, a day late

"Uncle Kent" has a pretty nice ring to it, too.
What do you get a 6 year old boy?
Since he didn't receive any of those things (I know, can you believe we're such mean parents and didn't get him all of the aforementioned items?!), here's a list of some things we/friends/family did get for him.
This Wii game- Kael loves playing Wii so much but tends to pick one game and stick to it. We are thrilled to add this one to our regular Wii lineup.

Water guns. Kael got a couple of these and as fas as I'm concerned a 6 year old boy (and his father- good thinking on buying 2, Ben and Chantelle!) can NEVER have too many water guns.
Zipline and walkie talkies for the treehouse. The zipline is not hooked up to the treehouse yet but I have a feeling our backyard will soon be the envy of all the neighborhood boys. My girlfriend said, "I sure hope you have good insurance!"
An iPod Touch. I'd be lying if I said Kael wasn't rockin' at Angry Birds already.
Double lane Slip 'N Slide. Seriously cool.
Golf clubs. Kent and my dad took Kael golfing a couple times last summer and Kael talks about it often. This is a nice set that I hope Kael can enjoy for many years. He has been out practicing in the backyard quite a bit already and is getting pretty good!
In the interest of not letting this post get much longer, here's a rapid-fire of a few more things: Hot Wheels Custom Motors, Iron Man truck, Aqua Sand, Spira-Chalk Blaster and chalk, truck and trailer, books, Legos, Whiffle bat and ball, glow-in-the dark frisbee, candy, a good quality kite.
I am continually amazed by the generosity of all the people in our lives. Kael is a lucky little boy!
***On a final note, Kael opened up a card with some money in it and instantly his eyes got big. "Now do I have enough money to buy a Denali, a boat and a truck?"
I couldn't have been more wrong- this one happened to be particularly a particularly special birthday and I'll tell you why...
Kent made this video for me. He is so talented! I have such a Good Life.
A good friend surprised me and stopped over with some puppy chow and a sweet card. It was the best puppy chow I'd ever had that I had to hide it from Kylee. People are so generous and thoughtful. Makes me want to pay it forward, ya know?
One of the moms of the kids I babysit brought me a pedicure gift card! Very unexpected and very appreciated.
One of my girls made me this adorable picture:
After seeing some of my FB pics of cakes/cupcakes I'd made for Kael, one of my cousins e-mailed me and said, "Happy Birthday! I hope you don't have to make your own cake!" Not to worry- Kent totally pulled through and brought me home a DQ ice cream cake complete with Snickers and a "Happy Birthday, Laura" on top. Mmmm.
Thanks to everyone for all the birthday cards, comments and wishes! I think 28's going to be a fantastic year. :)
The last couple weeks I've been doing a Happiness Project post on Tuesdays- I'm going to skip that this week in light of all of the birthday news/posts I've had. I'm still working on a list of gifts we got/thought about for Kael so hopefully I'll get that posted sometime in the near future, too.
I bet you didn't know....
- ...that yesteday I called Kent at work and was absentmindedly singing "Savior, he can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save..." while the phone was ringing. I didn't expect anyone to pick up on the first ring but sure enough his receptionist did. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for her to stifle a laugh.
- ...I am trying this new blog layout partly because I am hoping it will help me figure out how to stop having blogger publish my thoughts as one giant paragraph and partly because it was Kael's birthday and he is in LOVE with the color orange.
- ...I lose my cell phone several times a day. Kent was not impressed when he found it out in the backyard against the fence line the other day. What can I say? It must have flown out of my pocket when I was giving under doggies on the tree swing.
- ...my favorite flowers are daffodils, lilacs and Easter lillies. Are Easter lillies different than regular lillies? I don't even know, but I was so happy when I spotted some in the store the other day.
- ...Kael eats cake like he eats pizza. Top first (frosting or cheese), licks it completely clean, then goes for the bottom (cake, crust). It is insanely messy but I don't mind. It's kind of his trademark thing.
- ...I don't iron Kent's shirts. It's not that I wouldn't, it's just that every time I do them, he re-irons them because I don't do it quite right. Especially the collar.
- ...our kitchen table actually gathered dust over Spring Break this year. I don't think we sat down to a family dinner in almost 8 days, which is completely unlike us. We usually eat dinner at home together at least 5 times a week.
- ...I prefer not to eat ice cream when it's cold out. Once summer hits, bring it on. Strawberry cheesecake or chocolate fudge brownie, thank you very much.
- ...the other day I took Kylee shoe shopping with me and I'm pretty sure she has better taste then me. I needed some plain black peep-toe shoes and Kylee wandered all over the store in search of the perfect ones. She found them and refers to them as my peek-a-boo shoes.
- ...I love to eat cold macaroni and cheese.
- ...I froze some leftover chicken stock in ice cube trays and used them yesterday to make chicken and noodle soup. Thanks to whoever taught me that little trick- brilliant!
- ...speaking of freezing, I froze the kids cereal, spoons and all, the night before April Fool's this year and they thought it was hilarious
- ...my pregnant sister's blood pressure has been high and I am sure she is getting anxious for the baby to get here. Keep her in your thoughts today. I am excited to be an aunt but don't want the baby to arrive any sooner than necessary. :)
Happy Birthday Kael!
I'm going to interrupt my regularly scheduled Thankful Thursday to fill you in on Kael's birthday, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in, it's going to be a lengthy post today. I've got lots to say about this special little boy's big day. :)
Well, it happened. I knew it would. I blinked and my little man grew up. Kael turned 6 yesterday! And judging from some of the Facebook messages I received, most of you can't believe it either.
I had several thoughts of what I wanted to post. Some of my favorite pictures of Kael in the last 6 years? A play-by-play of his celebrations? Gift ideas and links? A sentimental rambling of what I love most about him? Maybe all of the above? :)
Kael woke up (early, all kids do on their birthdays, right?) to his room filled with balloons. I guess this is sort of a tradition for his birthday, but I'm not entirely sure how or when it started. The night before his birthday, Kent asked, "So are we going to do the balloon thing again?" and I was glad he thought of it. We grabbed a bunch of balloons and started filling until Kael's bedroom floor was totally covered with balloons. I had also hung a Happy Birthday sign in the kitchen and when Kael came out of his room to eat I asked what he wanted for his birthday breakfast. Crispix. As in, cold cereal and a glass of OJ. He's so easy to please. :)
I snuck in and took a picture of him with all his balloons.
I went home to begin work on this. I spotted this idea when Kael was 3 and it took me that many years to work up the courage to make it. By nature, I am not crafty. And I'm even less patient. I generally don't care for taking the time to read instructions/directions. Detail- oriented? Not this girl. I once thought it would be fun to make this for Kylee and if my sister had not been here helping me make it, I would have probably thrown the cake out the window. The first time it started tipping over I was ready to scrap it. She helped me salvage the cake, not to mention my dignity and Kylee still talks about how much she loved that cake. So worth it.
Back to my rock star's cake. I got to work- the biggest challenge was finding something to put it on! It was a very long cake so I ended up using the box from Kael's pogo stick he had unwrapped that morning and putting foil around it. I was pleasantly surprised at how simple the cake was. Imagine how well things turn out when you take your time and follow the detailed, step-by-step instructions. :) So, here are some pictures of the process, and my baking team.Chocolate frosting. Yum.
It turned out so much better than I anticipated!
I asked the kids to stand still for a nice birthday picture. Here's what I got.
A party room with his name on it!
Fit for a king.

We look like normal parents, right?

Guess again. Kent has commented before that he can't wait for us to be those "embarassing parents". News flash: We already are. And I love it. I wasn't going to miss out on the dancing!

Bubble time!

Here's a picture of some of his gifts and cards. Kael you are so loved! Happy Birthday!
Happiness Project: Enjoy it now!
Pillow Party
And here's what she thought of it.
Thankful Thursday
IEP meeting
Happiness Project: Slow down
Baby shower
Can I give the baby a hug?
Treehouse pictures
Yeah, moms are allowed in the treehouse. :)
Almost seamless!
Here you can see the pulley system. For the time being I just use an empty ice cream bucket to send snacks and drinks over to the treehouse from our deck. We have used it several times already! The other day I sent a bunch of fruit snacks over and all of my kiddos had after-school snack up there. In this picture Kent and Kael are enjoying a pizza picnic on the treehouse. You can also see that the ladder has been replaced with one that looks like it belongs with a treehouse.
We're hoping for a weekend full of sunshine so we can be out enjoying the treehouse together!