Since he didn't receive any of those things (I know, can you believe we're such mean parents and didn't get him all of the aforementioned items?!), here's a list of some things we/friends/family did get for him.
This Wii game- Kael loves playing Wii so much but tends to pick one game and stick to it. We are thrilled to add this one to our regular Wii lineup.

Water guns. Kael got a couple of these and as fas as I'm concerned a 6 year old boy (and his father- good thinking on buying 2, Ben and Chantelle!) can NEVER have too many water guns.
Zipline and walkie talkies for the treehouse. The zipline is not hooked up to the treehouse yet but I have a feeling our backyard will soon be the envy of all the neighborhood boys. My girlfriend said, "I sure hope you have good insurance!"
An iPod Touch. I'd be lying if I said Kael wasn't rockin' at Angry Birds already.
Double lane Slip 'N Slide. Seriously cool.
Golf clubs. Kent and my dad took Kael golfing a couple times last summer and Kael talks about it often. This is a nice set that I hope Kael can enjoy for many years. He has been out practicing in the backyard quite a bit already and is getting pretty good!
In the interest of not letting this post get much longer, here's a rapid-fire of a few more things: Hot Wheels Custom Motors, Iron Man truck, Aqua Sand, Spira-Chalk Blaster and chalk, truck and trailer, books, Legos, Whiffle bat and ball, glow-in-the dark frisbee, candy, a good quality kite.
I am continually amazed by the generosity of all the people in our lives. Kael is a lucky little boy!
***On a final note, Kael opened up a card with some money in it and instantly his eyes got big. "Now do I have enough money to buy a Denali, a boat and a truck?"
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