
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful the weekend is near! It's been kind of a boring week and no one's been feeling super great.  Ready to turn the page to February and warmer weather!

I'm thankful for walks with my friend.

I'm thankful for time spent with my favorite people.

Happy Thursday! 


Weekend Wrap-Up

 Friday night we all went to Kylee's boyfriend's senior night.  He played an amazing game and they (finally) got a win! Kylee and her boyfriend went for dinner after the game with another couple and me, Kent and Kase grabbed dinner after too.

Saturday was a nice day just getting things done.  Kase and I went to watch my niece play volleyball and had fun catching up with all the family there.  He found a few friends who were playing there as well so that was fun for him and he also spent part of the day at Urban Air.  Kylee had a birthday party with a foreign exchange student friend and they had fun at SkyZone. We had a house showing both Fridy and Saturday so that's definitely been picking up lately!

Sunday I went to church with Kylee and Sean.  Kase and Kylee had both really slept in and Kent took Kase up north for a fun outdoor afternoon! Kase rode his dirt bike and got to shoot a few of Grandpa Terry's guns so he had a good time doing that. 


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that another week of January is almost done.  Honestly we are bored over here, guys.  Wish there was at least some snow or something?!

Happy Thursday!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday Kael had a meet in Pella! Glad my parents and Kent were able to go.  I stuck around home to get ready for a few house showings. In the end, I wish I had gone because the meet was super fast and I would have been able to see him throw! He PR'd in weight throw and made the finals in shot so I'm really happy for him.

Friday night Kase hit the slopes. Kent, Kylee and I got dinner at Sports Page (after she did a 7 mile run) then went to her boyfriend's basketball game.

Saturday morning Kase was right back up to snowboard! He and his friends spent the entire day there. It really is his happy place right now.

Meanwhile we had a couple house showings, ran a couple errands, drove around looking at lots and just overall had a nice, relaxing day.  Kylee and her boyfriend spent most of the afternoon at the gym then hung out with us and we ordered pizza and watched football. 

Sunday we went to late service- Kylee's boyfriend and his mom came too.  Then Kylee babysat and later we went to a couple open houses.  That night the four of us went out for dinner and Kylee went to the gym later with her boyfriend.

Today was a no school day- Kase had a pitching lesson then we met my sister and kids and my parents at Pizza Ranch for a fun lunch then the kids jumped at Urban Air.  Perfect way to spend a very chilly no school day! 


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful this week is almost over.  No one has been feeling great.  It's been kind of a weird start to 2025.  Why does January feel like it's 100 days long?!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night Kent and I took Kase and a couple friends to 7 Oaks.  They just love being on the slopes! I actually hadn't been there to watch and Kase was proud to show me some of his jumps.  After we had watched them for a little while Kent and I headed to Ames for a nice dinner then Kase's friends' parents brought them home.  Kylee had left town after school for a church retreat all weekend. 


Saturday morning Kase headed right back up to 7 Oaks, this time with his church group, and this time to go tubing! He had a blast with a buddy he doesn't often get to hang out with outside of school so I was happy for him.  They went to Hickory Park after.  Kent and I had a nice morning at home getting some things done, running a few errands, going for a chilly walk and sitting in the hot tub.  Later we took Kase to Keith and Cindy's and they took Kase to dinner and a movie while Kent and I went to his Edward Jones holiday party.  We had so much fun catching up with everyone! Later found out that Kael had played his guitar in a talent show that night- so proud of him! 

Sunday we went to church then picked up Kase.  Kylee got home from her retreat and later Kent took Kase to look at cars and play pool.  It was just too cold to be outside. Kylee had dinner out with Sean and his parents. Later I hung out with my sisters- always good to catch up! 

Monday there was no school.  The kids slept in then Kylee had coffee with some friends and Kase had a pitching lesson.  Kylee went shopping with some friends who hadn't bought their prom dresses yet and Kase and I went to meet up with my parents and my niece and nephew at Putts and Pins to do a little bowling and mini golf! Kase was thrilled to have something fun to do with cousins and it was the perfect way to spend the afternoon.  Kylee went for a quick jog then got her nails done. Fun, long weekend!


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful everyone is surviving this first full week back after break and hopefully everyone is starting to feel a little better too! 

I'm thankful my parents were able to go down to Pella to take Kael out for lunch earlier this week.  I'm sure he appreciated that!

Have a great weekend!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night we all went to Sean's basketball game so that was fun! The team didn't win but he played well.

Saturday I went prom dress shopping with Kylee.  We had the best time with her friend and her friend's mom too.  The girls tried on a TON of dresses, looked great in them all and ultimately both found ones they loved. It was so great spending time with Kylee. 

Meanwhile the boys made their own fun.  Found a place to play pool and another place to race RC cars.  They enjoyed their day together too!

Kase fit in a little sledding with the cousins that afternoon.  Love how happy they are together.

That night Kent and I used a gift card we had gotten for Christmas and had a date night at Lucca- so fun!

Sunday no one really felt great and kinda slept in.  Kael went to Urgent Care just to make sure he didn't also have strep like Kylee before packing up and heading back to school.  Kent and I went to church with Kylee and Sean and later Kase went sledding with some friends.  

It has been SO nice having Kael home.  I know he isn't super excited about going back especially with such a bad cold and we will definitely miss having him around the house! But track season will be starting up soon so we'll be seeing him a little more often this semester.  Later Kent, Kylee and I all went to the gym and Kase went sledding at a friend's house. Kent had a Rotary meeting in the evening and the rest of us had a lazy night in! 


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for a fun night celebrating the New Year with my favorite people! We had fun mini golfing downtown then enjoyed dinner at Greenbriar and wrapped our night up at home playing Perudo, Among us and Categories.  Just such a great night and fun memories made.

I'm thankful Kylee was able to get some meds- her initial strep test came back negative but on New Year's Day we found out the culture actually was positive for strep.  Poor girl!

I'm thankful Kase and I went ice skating with my sisters, nieces, nephew and parents! We try to fit this in every year over break and I'm so glad we do.

Cutest little photo bomber.

My favorite look-alikes.

Happy New Year!!!