Friday Kael had a meet in Pella! Glad my parents and Kent were able to go. I stuck around home to get ready for a few house showings. In the end, I wish I had gone because the meet was super fast and I would have been able to see him throw! He PR'd in weight throw and made the finals in shot so I'm really happy for him.
Friday night Kase hit the slopes. Kent, Kylee and I got dinner at Sports Page (after she did a 7 mile run) then went to her boyfriend's basketball game.
Saturday morning Kase was right back up to snowboard! He and his friends spent the entire day there. It really is his happy place right now.
Meanwhile we had a couple house showings, ran a couple errands, drove around looking at lots and just overall had a nice, relaxing day. Kylee and her boyfriend spent most of the afternoon at the gym then hung out with us and we ordered pizza and watched football.
Sunday we went to late service- Kylee's boyfriend and his mom came too. Then Kylee babysat and later we went to a couple open houses. That night the four of us went out for dinner and Kylee went to the gym later with her boyfriend.
Today was a no school day- Kase had a pitching lesson then we met my sister and kids and my parents at Pizza Ranch for a fun lunch then the kids jumped at Urban Air. Perfect way to spend a very chilly no school day!