
Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night we all went to Sean's basketball game so that was fun! The team didn't win but he played well.

Saturday I went prom dress shopping with Kylee.  We had the best time with her friend and her friend's mom too.  The girls tried on a TON of dresses, looked great in them all and ultimately both found ones they loved. It was so great spending time with Kylee. 

Meanwhile the boys made their own fun.  Found a place to play pool and another place to race RC cars.  They enjoyed their day together too!

Kase fit in a little sledding with the cousins that afternoon.  Love how happy they are together.

That night Kent and I used a gift card we had gotten for Christmas and had a date night at Lucca- so fun!

Sunday no one really felt great and kinda slept in.  Kael went to Urgent Care just to make sure he didn't also have strep like Kylee before packing up and heading back to school.  Kent and I went to church with Kylee and Sean and later Kase went sledding with some friends.  

It has been SO nice having Kael home.  I know he isn't super excited about going back especially with such a bad cold and we will definitely miss having him around the house! But track season will be starting up soon so we'll be seeing him a little more often this semester.  Later Kent, Kylee and I all went to the gym and Kase went sledding at a friend's house. Kent had a Rotary meeting in the evening and the rest of us had a lazy night in! 

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