Saturday morning Kase headed right back up to 7 Oaks, this time with his church group, and this time to go tubing! He had a blast with a buddy he doesn't often get to hang out with outside of school so I was happy for him. They went to Hickory Park after. Kent and I had a nice morning at home getting some things done, running a few errands, going for a chilly walk and sitting in the hot tub. Later we took Kase to Keith and Cindy's and they took Kase to dinner and a movie while Kent and I went to his Edward Jones holiday party. We had so much fun catching up with everyone! Later found out that Kael had played his guitar in a talent show that night- so proud of him!
Sunday we went to church then picked up Kase. Kylee got home from her retreat and later Kent took Kase to look at cars and play pool. It was just too cold to be outside. Kylee had dinner out with Sean and his parents. Later I hung out with my sisters- always good to catch up!
Monday there was no school. The kids slept in then Kylee had coffee with some friends and Kase had a pitching lesson. Kylee went shopping with some friends who hadn't bought their prom dresses yet and Kase and I went to meet up with my parents and my niece and nephew at Putts and Pins to do a little bowling and mini golf! Kase was thrilled to have something fun to do with cousins and it was the perfect way to spend the afternoon. Kylee went for a quick jog then got her nails done. Fun, long weekend!
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