This is the first year I've officially swayed Kent into loving SummerFest as much as I do. Sunday night, as we sat and watched the band with the kids dancing like crazy (after they'd scored some free ice cream sandwiches from the Jaycees guy) Kent turned to me and admitted, "I love SummerFest."
"Yeah, me too," I agreed. We smiled, knowing that attending SummerFest is a tradition we'll continue for as long as possible. Kent said, "I hope that when we're 85 and the kids are 60 they'll still come back to town for SummerFest." I laughed, thinking of Kael and Kylee out on the makeshift dance floor at 60, dancing and spinning with their spouses. I hope Kent and I are out there dancing right alongside of them.

Here are a few of our favorite SummerFest activities.
Carnival Rides. Those guys for sure lost money on us. The wristbands are only $17 and we rode waaaay more than $17 dollars worth of rides. We were there from 5:00-8:30! Kael is such a thrill seeker. He was going on crazy fast/high rides- I couldn't even watch!
Kiddie Parade. Every year I stress about this. Coming up with cute costumes and decorating floats/bikes for the kids just is not my thing. This year Kael didn't want to do it and Kylee did. She said, "I want to wear a fancy dress and ride my bike." Done. One less thing I have to worry about and it's not like we're ever out to win first place. This year Brooklyn and Mandy joined us in the parade!
All fancied up and ready to ride in the parade.
If I'm being completely honest, we're in it for the popsicles.

The Grand Parade. I love, love, love parades, particulary the SummerFest parade. My mom and dad always go early and set blankets up so we have a great spot in the shade right at the beginning of the parade route. We got soooo much candy!
Yeah, I brought Wheat Thins and Laughing Cow cheese to the what? It is a pretty long parade.

Mom, Kael, Kent
Koozies that double as legwarmers. It's SummerFest- anything goes!
Fireworks! We have been saying for years that we were going to start riding our bikes to watch fireworks to avoid the crazy post-firework traffic, and this year we finally did! Kent found us an AWESOME spot right next to the bike path. We had the best view of the show and could hear the music from the Leisure Garden in the background. There were no bugs or anything! We sat there with our red, white, and blue glowsticks around out necks, munching on popcorn and M & M's just taking it all in. As we rode home from the fireworks, all of us very appropriately exhausted, I couldn't help but feeling that all was right with the world.
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