
Weekend Wrap-Up

Kent took most of the day off Friday after volunteering at Kase's school's Career Day.  He and I got brunch, went to the mall and he took me to the shooting range.  Not totally my cup of tea but I was happy to spend time with him. Friday night Kent and I grabbed dinner with our good friends- we always have the best time together.  Such a great night.

Saturday Kent and Kase went to watch Kael throw at Wartburg- he PR'd in both shot and weight!! SOOO proud of that kid!!!

Kylee went to the gym, had lunch with a friend. Kase played with a friend later that night and we watched wrestling on TV while Kylee and Sean went bowling with friends.  

Sunday we went to late church- how lovely it was to be able to walk there! Kase played with friends outside afterwards and Kent took Kylee to the shooting range.

They had a great time together.  When they got home she went for a bike ride and Kent and I went for a walk. Later Kylee hung out with Sean.  Looks like it's going to be a beautiful much warmer week! 

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