
Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for the beautiful weather this week and walks with friends! 


Weekend Wrap-Up

Kent took most of the day off Friday after volunteering at Kase's school's Career Day.  He and I got brunch, went to the mall and he took me to the shooting range.  Not totally my cup of tea but I was happy to spend time with him. Friday night Kent and I grabbed dinner with our good friends- we always have the best time together.  Such a great night.

Saturday Kent and Kase went to watch Kael throw at Wartburg- he PR'd in both shot and weight!! SOOO proud of that kid!!!

Kylee went to the gym, had lunch with a friend. Kase played with a friend later that night and we watched wrestling on TV while Kylee and Sean went bowling with friends.  

Sunday we went to late church- how lovely it was to be able to walk there! Kase played with friends outside afterwards and Kent took Kylee to the shooting range.

They had a great time together.  When they got home she went for a bike ride and Kent and I went for a walk. Later Kylee hung out with Sean.  Looks like it's going to be a beautiful much warmer week! 


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a late start on Tuesday! Wish we'd had one Wednesday too.

I'm thankful Kase is feeling better.  He was coughing so bad earlier this week I'm glad it didn't turn into anything worse. 

Have a great weekend! 


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night we had a last minute Valentine (family-ish) date.  Kent, me, Kylee, Sean and Kase grabbed dinner out and had a great time together as usual! The only photo I got was of me and Kylee! She was spoiled with gifts from Sean and it sounds like Kael got some lovely things for Emma too.  

Saturday I went to Kael's track meet with my parents.  His girlfriend and her parents were there too so it was great to catch up with them! Meanwhile at home Kylee babysat and Kase was having fun in The District with some friends. That night we just had a chill night at home.  Kent, Kase and I watched a movie and later Kylee's boyfriend stopped by with a sweet gift for Kent and me.

Sunday Kase had been up several times in the middle of the night not feeling great.  So we watched church online then when he felt better he went to Sky Zone with Keith, Cindy, Kellen and Krue! Kylee went to church with her friend Sara.  Kent and I got a few things done around the house and did a couple errands.  Later everyone hung out at Keith and Cindy's. Kylee helped Cindy give Kellen a haircut!

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging around home- Kylee spent a lot of time organizing her room. Kase has been into playing Shredders on the xBox and also playing with those little Tech Deck skateboards. Later Kent had a meeting, we ordered pizza and just had a great night!


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a snow day yesterday!!!

I'm thankful for sweet Valentine gifts from my parents to the kids (and even their significant others!)

The kids are so thankful that Kent took them street sledding yesterday! He called and said he was coming home early from work and Kase especially was so excited because he had some buddies over and Kent took them all.  Kylee and Sean joined the fun too!

Happy Thursday!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night we went out for dinner at Latin King and brought one of Kylee's friends along too then we went to Sean's basketball game.  They played at his old school- SEP and won a close one! Sean played great so that was fun.

Saturday morning Kase went to an all day serving event at our church.  He especially enjoyed the games back at the church after serving! Kylee took the ACT's- she was sure glad to get that done with! Kael came home and he and Kent ran a couple errands then played pool. That night we all went for dinner then came back here and watched UFC fights.  

Sunday we celebrated the January birthdays at Keith and Cindy's! Always good to see everyone.  We came home and Kase played with friends, Kylee and Sean grabbed lunch out and Kent, Kael and I stopped by to say hi to my dad for his birthday since we hadn't gotten to see him the day before. Later we had a pretty chill evening here watching the Super Bowl.  Kael and Emma went to one of his friend's house for the first half and the rest of us chilled here and also played some garage darts.  Later when Kael and Emma got back we ordered pizza and played Among Us. Kylee and Sean also did a funny try not to laugh challenge with Kaser.

Monday was a no school day and honestly it was kind of a lazy, boring day. Kase had a pitching lesson which I really appreciated Keith talking him to while I ran to meet Kael to give him something he had left at home over the weekend- always good to see him! Kylee ran and went to the gym and later went to a basketball game. Ready for a (maybe) snowy week ahead! 


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for early out from school yesterday for the kids!!!!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night we went to Sean's basketball game at Waukee- we got dinner before time with Keith, Cindy and Kylee's friend Bea.  Kase stayed home and had a blast playing wiffle ball with his friends.  So thankful for nice days. 

Saturday morning Kent and his parents went to Wartburg to watch Kael throw. He PR'd in all three of his shot put throws! I was so glad they could be there to cheer him on! Meanwhile Kylee slept in the went for a run then had lunch with a friend.  Kase hung out with his friend then later went to 7 Oaks with a group of friends.  He stayed there until it closed! Kylee and I picked up one of her friends and went to Sean's game then later we took Kylee and Sean out for dinner.

Sunday it was so nice out! We walked to late service then had a nice afternoon- Kase played with friends, Kent and Kylee and Sean and I drove around and looked at houses. Later Kent and I took another long walk-it was just so nice to be outside!