
Weekend Wrap-Up

Thursday night the boys got home from fishing. Sounds like they had a good time.  

Friday Kase had a hitting lesson and played with his friends and went to the pool.  Kael worked. Kylee went to a grad party and hung out with her boyfriend and celebrated his birthday with his family.

Kase had a tournament this weekend and he played well. Both Kael and Kylee and their significant others were able to come watch a game so that was nice. 

Kylee had an MRI on her hip and we are awaiting results.  She was supposed to fly out early Sunday morning for a mission trip but the flight was canceled. 

Kase pitched awesome all weekend!

Kase played against his buddy Pierce today. 

Pierce's sisters love Kase. 

Honestly, it hasn't been my favorite start to summer ever.  Blogger won't work to let me upload px. Everyone is having issues with friends/jobs/teams. I'm ready for a reset. But we did have a really nice Sunday night- grilled steaks and had a nice family (plus Garrett) dinner and time to hang out together.  Later Kylee and G played sand volleyball with friends and Kael, Kent, Kase (plus a couple buddies) and I went to get ice cream.  Nice end to our day. 

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