Our weekend fun started a little early with the Jason Aldean concert on Thursday night!
It was Kase's first big concert.
Kent had purchased tickets a long time ago- long before we knew Kylee would be running at State so she made a smart decision to stay home and get to bed early. The concert was fun!
You can see here that Kase was clearly enjoying it. Ha. We also didn't realize when we bought the tickets that Kase would have early band the next morning. Eek.
Friday the kids were dressed in their respective football playoff/XC state qualifier shirts so I had them take a picture together. Special memory for sure.
Kase looked great as QB. So, so proud of this buddy.

Friday night was Kase's Trunk or Treat at his school. Every year I buy him a costume and every year he ends up going as a football player so this year I told him we could just dig through our dress up bin and find something to wear. Imagine my surprise when he agreed to be a pink milkshake. Ha.
Kylee was at her last XC practice and team dinner and Kent, my parents and his parents headed to Cedar Falls for playoff football! I love this shot Kent got of them on the field together at the Dome. The game didn't end how we wanted but I think Kael is just fine with the season being over. So proud of him for all the time and work he has put in and super proud of him for sticking it out all the way through his senior year!
Saturday morning Kylee was off early to catch her bus to Fort Dodge for XC State! The driveway had gotten chalked the night before- the girls did such a good job!
The rest of us went to Drake to watch Kase play in his 7 on 7 football championship game. So cool that he got to play there!
In the end, we won big. A mom from the other team came up to me and asked, "What are you guys feeding those boys?! I mean, I thought our team was good and you guys are just next level!" I told her that these boys play football together nearly year round every day in my backyard and many of them play baseball together so they have a pretty special bond.
Couldn't be more proud of Kylee that she got to be a part of this group. A freshman running Varsity every single race this year (besides the first one where they all run at grade level). At such a big school like Centennial. We ended up fourth place overall which was disappointing to some of the girls. Besides our top runner, no one really had a great race and one of our top girls didn't finish. That said, I know Kylee wasn't happy with her time but I could see her struggling towards the end and she gutted it out and crossed the finish line upright. I know she was so exhausted and sore and gave it her all. Proud of her for making it to the finish!
I couldn't believe that Tammy and Berkley and also a couple of Kylee's really close friends made the effort to come all the way to Fort Dodge for a 20 minute race! What a great village Kylee has of people who love and support her. The team went out for dinner after then Kylee went to a bonfire with some of the girls when she got back to town. The boys and I came home and had a nice night just chilling and watching the World Series.
Sunday Kael worked and the rest of us went to Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Keith's to celebrate the October birthdays. Kylee soaked up some much needed little cousin time!
That afternoon Kase played with friends and Kylee hung out with her boyfriend. I asked all of them if they wanted to carve or paint pumpkins with me but *sigh* no one did so I did them myself! Kent suggested glow in the dark paint because we had black lights up so I thought they turned out pretty good!
He went to a friend's house before time for their annual "moldy mac and cheese and mummy dog" dinner.
Kylee had a couple of friend parties to go to and Kael went to the gym then had a friend come hang out so Kent and I sat in the driveway and handed out candy. We brought the fire pit out front, Kent had a fog machine and spooky music playing- we had a pretty nice setup!
Kael hung out with us for a little bit and got a kick out of a guy going by in a Michael Myers costume- we cued up our music to the theme song and it was just perfect. The guy came over later and thanked us for playing his music to help his act look even better!
There were definitely some highs and lows this weekend but in the end I'm just happy to spend time making memories with my people. Turning the page to club volleyball for Kylee and basketball for Kase!
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