Everyone seemed to have a perfectly fine, if weird, first day back to school! Kase was happy to tell Kent about his day while eating brownies.
Friday was our first virtual day. Kase was actually happy to show me his math games and was proud to show Kylee his fancy touch screen chromebook! Kael and Kylee did ok with their virtual days too.
And, they got their work done early so we headed out boating with my dad! It was such a beautiful morning and there was hardly anyone on the water besides us!
Later that afternoon Kase and his buddy (who is on a different schedule) hashed out their day over milk and cookies.
Then, Kael had his first football game of the season! Love that he gets to dress varsity- so, so proud of him. He loves being part of the team and getting to do things like team dinners.
Two peas in a pod. Kent's pretty proud of him!
While the game didn't have the outcome we hoped for, it was a really nice night and we loved seeing #65 out there!!!
Kase was so proud to spot his big brother!
Saturday we had a lazy morning, the kids hung out with friends then we went to look at a house then out for ice cream. That night we stopped by Kent's parent's for a little while. So great to spend time with them and appreciated them hosting us and making dinner! Kael was at a sleepover with friends.

Sunday morning Kent and Kylee took a long bike ride. They had the best time.
I wasn't feeling super great so everyone just kind of did their own thing- mostly hung around home, Kylee and a friend went long boarding, Kael had a JV football walk through and Kase played with friends. Later Kent had a coaches meeting then it was early to bed for us all!
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