We have been busy squeezing every last bit of fun into summer!
Kase and his buddies have had all.the.sleepovers lately. Last week they stayed at Weston's- this group of four (we call them The Core Four) spends nearly every waking moment together! They had a blast making homemade pizzas, swimming in Weston's pool, riding his dirt bike and doing an ice cream sundae contest!
We had a end of the season party for Kylee's volleyball team. So sad they didn't get to finish their year playing at Regionals and such but it was great to get the group all together. They even let the parents win in a kid/parent game!
We have been so lucky to have Melissa for three seasons! She has been a wonderful coach for Kylee.
Friday I took my own three kids and just my own three kids to Adventureland! It felt like it had been forever since it was just us spending the day together. We are usually missing one kid off with a friend or have another friend in tow. I just loved spending time with them and we did end up running into one of Kase's friend's there later in the afternoon which was fun too.
Friday night was our turn to host the sleepover! There was lots of football, a backyard Sandlot movie showing, popcorn and s'mores.
One of Kael's buddies joined us too and they had tons of fun playing Capture the Flag with Kase and his friends.
Meanwhile, Kylee and her friend were twinning and also babysitting Kellen and Krue! They had so much fun.
Breakfast of champions sleepovers. Donuts all around.
And early morning football in pajama pants.
Kylee's friend had stayed over on Friday too after they babysat and then they got picked up and went to the lake to spend the rest of the weekend with Emmy's family there. We spent the day just getting stuff done around the house then later joined my family for a belated birthday dinner for my sister! Then we got home to find out our power had gone out again! Oh no!! At least this time it was only out for a few hours. Kael had his buddies come for a sleepover- so we had an extra six boys at our house Saturday night and they had so much fun. Honestly for such a big group of teenage boys they really are no trouble to host at all. I think the highlight for Kael was being allowed to make pizza rolls at 3AM- ha! I also heard several of the boys still awake when I got up for the day at 5:45. Oh man, we had a fun filled sleepover weekend!

Sunday morning Kael was so good about helping clean up the basement after his friends were all here. Later Kase had basketball tryouts. One of his buddies came to hang out afterwards- they went out for ice cream then came home to jump on the trampoline with the sprinkler! It was such a fun-filled, friend-filled weekend!!!