I'm thankful for time with cousins.

I'm thankful Kael can still have fun at a park/splash pad even though he's starting to feel a little too grown up for things like that!
I'm thankful the boys back to school haircuts are done and that most of the back to school shopping is done. The kids were troopers getting it all done yesterday and I (completely out of character) bought them a few new fun things. Kase is over the moon about his new Nerf gun.
I'm thankful for salsa and slime making friends.
I'm thankful that Kylee finally decided to take over the downstairs bathroom! It has gone mostly unused since we finished the basement a few years ago but she got tired of sharing with the boys upstairs and had fun organizing her new space!
I'm thankful that everyone else seems to love our new kitchen table. I think it will grow on me. Also thankful for the help of an interior decorator friend who is going to help us pull the look all together!
I'm thankful that Kase's head is ok and not too bruised after he got a big goose egg at the park on Tuesday night. I was worried he was going to start school with a purple forehead.
I'm thankful for a fun lunch out and some fun photos!
I'm thankful for an afternoon with my parents at Jester Park. The kids weren't totally sold on the idea of going out there but it turned out to be a fun little stop!
This fox puppet was the same color as Kael's hair!
Have a great weekend!
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