I could write a book about how all their training and hard work paid off. I could detail every second of the race. I could tell you their split times for each leg of the competition but truly, all I need to say is that I am so very proud I am of Kael and Kylee and that I love watching them race. I love the smile on their faces as they cross that finish line. I love the support of family and friends who come out to cheer them on. What an awesome event and what a fun day. Here are some pictures!
Pre-race. The kids were so excited about their triathlon racing outfits this year! We were also thankful for a friend who hooked us up with some racing belts to pin the kids' race bibs on!

We had lots of neighbor friends in the race this year!

Kase was excited to come cheer Kael and Kylee on!

Kylee's group went before Kael's. I didn't get pictures of the swim since I wanted to be able to be near her during transition.

Look at that smile on her face!

Then I hurried over to the end to see her cross the finish line!
Getting her official chip timer taken off.
I am cracking up at this picture my friend took of me running around trying to make sure I saw both of my kids do everything!
Kael waited so patiently for his group to start!

He had a great swim and great transitions!

His favorite part was the biking.
I love this picture of Kylee cheering Kael on!
Kent went out to meet Kael on the corner where he needed to turn during his run. Kael was happy to see Kent out on the course.

He had a strong finish! Sprinted the last half lap!

I love that my mom captured a photo of Kael standing like this. I can always find him at recess because after he's run hard, he stands with his hands on his head like this.

You can tell he finished just seconds before this picture! So hot!

Here is Kylee accepting her plaque.
Loved our cheering section! A BIG shoutout to my parents, Kent's parents and my sister for taking lots of great action shots and for keeping an eye on Kase! Also thanks to neighbors and friends who sent pictures and congratulatory messages all day long!

The rest of the day was pretty great too- we had lunch at the kids' favorite restaurant, then spent the whole afternoon at the pool. This evening my sister and her kids came over for a pizza/park/pajama party!
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