I'm thankful for reconnecting with old friends. Also thankful their son didn't mind when Kase became his shadow and wanted him to play with him and sit by him all night.
I'm thankful when someone said to me, "Kase sure doesn't lack for personality, does he?" Which is the nicest way to describe him, I think.
I'm thankful for Rock, Paper Scissors games. Kael beats Kent alllll the time and it's hilarious.
With these record breaking temps lately, I'm extra thankful for air conditioning and also showers.
I'm thankful for our pool passes. We have been more than ten times already this year. It's the best thing to do in this heat!
I'm so thankful for my village and all the friends and family who were able to help me get my kids to and from camps all week!
I'm thankful for or the kids spray water bottles. So helpful with some hot camps this week.
I'm thankful American Ninja Warrior is back on. What a fun show for our family to watch together.
I'm so so thankful for our nightly card games. The big kids have been having the most fun learning some of the card games I played as a kid.
I'm thankful the kids sat so well in big church last weekend. Children's ministry is on a break for the summer and I'm so impressed with how he kids are "getting" the sermons. Kylee has made several references this week to the sermon and how it applies to our everyday life.
I'm thankful for trick shot videos that Kent found for Kael to watch on YouTube. Kael wants to show everyone and it has been fun watching him and friends try to recreate the shots.
I'm thankful for our neighborhood. Every year about this time we have some knocks on our door, no doubt from teenagers who hang at the park behind our house. The kids aren't doing anything terribly wrong but they ding dong ditch us and our neighbors. We hadn't gotten our door knocked on but a few neighbors had and eventually one night, "caught" the culprits. The next day, sure enough, the kid showed up at their door with an apology letter and an offer to help out with yard work or babysitting the kids. Big kudos to he mom of this kid who made her son show his face the next day with a handwritten apology!
I'm thankful for neighbor fun- this was from the last day of school.
I'm thankful for water balloon baseball.
I'm thankful for Kase's buddy. She is the sweetest thing and those two make such a fun pair.
I'm thankful for impromptu slip and slide and s'more parties.
I'm thankful Kase is enjoying soccer! The Methodist church soccer program is awesome!
I'm thankful for the kids' tennis camp this week. I canNOT say enough wonderful things about the coaches for this camp! They are fun and awesome at 9:00 when I take Kylee, and still just as fun and awesome when I take Kase at 11:30. I think that's pretty amazing, considering they are coaching a bunch of four year olds in nearly 100 degree heat!

I'm thankful for Kael's day with Grandpa Keith. They ate at Pie 5, went to this amazing race track in Grimes, and had ice cream! And Grandma Jenny got to come along! Kael was in heaven.
I'm thankful for pool buddies.
As much as I'm thankful for their friends, I'm also just as thankful for when my three kids get to hang out on their own. We had the best time at my mom's the other day on the slip and slide!
I'm thankful Kael finally got the chance to go to the frisbee park in town. We'd been talking about doing it forever!
You guys. I'm so thankful Kase passed the swim test a couple nights ago at Cascade Falls. For once, the pool wasn't too crowded and Kent was with us, so we let Kase try the swim test and he made it! He spent the rest of the evening impressing the life guards by going off the diving board. Eventually, one of the life guards suggested he try the high dive, so he did! And he did awesome! What a fun night we had. Kael and Kylee were so proud of him too!
I'm thankful for the library reading program. The kids have been diligent about doing their reading this year and have already earned their first prize- free frozen yogurt!
I'm thankful for the group of guys Kent is getting to know through his slow pitch softball team. They had a family tailgate before the game last night and we all had a great time!
I'm so thankful for a thoughtful text from a friend. Out of the blue last night, I got this text from her.
I'm so thankful I have gotten to know you better. I adore your positive, joy filled attitude and appreciate your care and concern. I admire you as a mom and friend and value your friendship and opinion. I feel blessed and very fortunate to get to call you my friend!!!
It totally made my night and inspired me to send similar texts to encourage others!
Happy Thursday, all!
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