The weekend was a blur, you guys. Fall craziness has officially set in!
Friday I made a decision that will ultimately help me put my family first. It was not an easy choice but I'm looking forward to being able to be a little more available to those who need me most. It was a stressful decision so I was very much looking forward to going out for dinner with Kent's parents in celebration of his birthday! Keith and Cindy had taken the kids out to Bass Pro in the afternoon, then we all met at Thunderhead in town. We had a great time, came back here for an awesome Oreo ice cream dessert, then we played at the park with friends.
Saturday morning Kent played flag football and Kael had football practice. Kylee had a friend's birthday party, then we all went to my sister and brother-in-law's house for my nephew's birthday party. So good for all the cousins to see each other and it was a beautiful night out to celebrate Tyson turning two! Oh, and we also got to watch the Hawks (just barely) pull off a win which always makes the weekend even sweeter!
Sunday after church we went to Jethro's to celebrate Kent's birthday with my parents and grandma. Brunch was delicious and the chocolate cake they bring out for birthdays there is epic. Later Kael had his first tackle football game! His team got the win and I was blown away by the number of friends and family who showed up to cheer for Kael.
This morning the kids were so excited to tell Kent "Happy Birthday" as soon as they woke up. Kase couldn't wait to give him his presents and was happy to help him open them. The rest of the day was fairly low-key. I did try to make him a special birthday dinner even though we didn't all get to eat it at the same time. :)

Kent's leaving tomorrow to go fishing in Canada with my dad and one of my brother-in-laws. I'm so happy for him that he's going to get away for awhile. What great timing that their trip falls so close to his birthday, too!
Happy birthday, Kent! You make 32 look good. ;)
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