In my Thankful Thursday post, I mentioned a few things we'd been up to over Spring Break. Here are a few more highlights.
Wednesday morning we made homemade strawberry donuts with strawberry glaze. You guys, YUM. The kids and I had a lazy day here, making a giant blanket fort and lounging around.
Thursday Kael had a basketball thing most of the day that was put on by our Parks & Rec. He spent the day doing free throw contests, scrimmages and drills and had a blast doing it. It didn't hurt that his BFF was there with him and there was pizza for lunch. While he was gone, Kylee, Kase and I had fun playing at the park and feeding ducks.
Friday we made our way back to the park- Kase LOVES riding in the bike trailer and loves looking at all the bulldozers and diggers that are around our neighborhood as construction season kicks in.
Also on Friday, Kent made some serious headway in our basement and we now have a fully functioning toilet down there! Get excited! He's put in a lot of hard work and has gotten quite a bit of satisfaction from being able to do it all himself.
Kent's mom came to spend the night Friday night- the kids were sooo excited about a sleepover in the "Bunk Bed Room" aka Kael's room. Plus, when Grandma comes to stay, the kids know we get pizza for supper and Casey's donuts for breakfast. Grandmas are the best. :)
Saturday morning we had watched Frozen in its entirety before 8:15 AM, it was freeeezing outside and Kent wanted to work in the basement. So, Cindy and I took the kids to SkyZone. We hadn't been for awhile and Kase hadn't been ever, so it was a great way to spend the morning. We picked up the kids faaaavorite Mexican food on the way home then after lunch Kylee and I made Chocolate Cake Truffles in her Easy Bake. (Seeing a trend here? Seems like lots of our Spring Break fun revolved around food....)
Saturday evening we met up with my parents at the Sugar Shack for a little dessert-before-dinner. Can you even imagine how excited my kids were when I told them they could order any dessert they wanted? Kael opted for a banana split while Kylee downed her Brownie Delight in record time. Kase and I shared a chocolate malt.

Long story short, we didn't go anywhere super exciting or expensive over break but we sure did have a lot of fun. Kase is definitely going to miss the big kids as they head back to school this week. And I suppose I'm ready to get back into a routine of cooking and cleaning like usual.
How was your week?
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