It has been brought to my attention that for over a month now I've posted only on Thankful Thursday, and one week I even posted that on the wrong day.
"No Christmas pictures?" accused Kent.
"I was starting to wonder..." questioned my mom.
Clearly, two of the people closest to me in the entire world aren't getting enough. So, my two most faithful readers, here you go!
Let's just be honest though. I have too much to say and no one has time to read a super long blog post this time of year, so I'll do what I always do when I'm behind. Flood you with pictures and fill in with little blurbs. You're welcome.
Christmas this year was wonderful. Last year, Kylee was sick most of winter break so having all of us healthy this year was so nice. All said and done, I think we fit
eight Christmas celebrations into thirteen days. The kids got some awesome and thoughtful gifts and hopefully gave some meaningful gifts too. There is nothing like the pride on Kylee's face when she handed us her gift that her teacher had helped make at school. She'd kept it hidden under the tree and was nearly bursting when it was time to give it to us.
There were surprises that wow-ed. There were wintery walks in the backyard. There were snow fights that turned into all out warfare. There was downtime and late nights and early mornings and sleepy snuggles. There were jammie days that nearly turned into jammmie weeks. (I honestly can't remember Kylee wearing anything besides her footie jammies for the entire second week of Christmas break). There were new traditions and traditions changed. I'm sad that winter break is nearly over but I think we made the most of it. I had grand plans of trips to the Science Center, Chuck E. Cheese, movie theater, ice skating rink...and guess what?! We did none of that. Zip. We stayed home and hung out with friends and family. What more could a girl ask for?
Gingerbread housing. And yes, they all dove in face first as soon as they were constructed. |
We clocked some serious cousin time this break. |
Two kids were excited about Santa's gifts. |
One wondered where breakfast was. |
A present even bigger then Kylee herself?! |
Snow tunnels and sledding behind 4-wheelers in small town Iowa. Nothin' better. |
Kent trying to secure Favorite Uncle status. |
A Hawkeye loss is much more bearable when wearing such a cute hat. ;) |
My heart is full and I feel hopeful as we head into this new year. With several friends and neighbors facing big decisions (think: job changes/moving) I'm thankful that we are where we are this year. I feel settled. Happy. I think we've hit our stride as a family of five. I'm anxious to see what 2014 has in store for us!
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