Kase has figured out that if he hits someone, he gets a big reaction. If you have plans to come to our house, consider that your warning. If you don't have plans or would like to cancel plans to come to our house, I'll understand.
I'm quite certain the world would stop turning if there was no coffee.
Kylee, my sweet mini-mi, has turned on us. Instead of a mini-me, she's a mini-teenager. Girl is emotional, bull-headed, opinionated (don't even GET me started on our daily discussions about clothes)....never mind. Forget what I said about not being a mini-me. She's maybe more of a mini-me than she's ever been.
I finally (we've only been in this house for a year and a half now) got something up on one of our big, empty walls. I had a canvas painting that we had up in our old house that's been laying around downstairs forever that just didn't fit in this house. I also had a picture that I LOVED of the kids that I knew I wanted to do something with. I also had a limited budget. Enter Pinterest. None of the ideas I found were quite right so I sort of improvised. It's so so far from perfect but it cost....drum roll please....only $3.65! How happy am I?!?! I went to Staples and blew the photo up to 2' x 3' (it's in black and white but I'd like it better in color, I think), Modge Podge'd it over my old canvas and voila!
I taught Kylee's Sunday School class last week and was reminded of the incredible differences in gender. The boys cried when I asked them to participate in a game. One bragged that he was "too smart so he got kicked out of preschool." None were even remotely interested in coloring a picture. The girls (over)shared with me every detail of their lives from favorite teacher to why their parents had been arguing all morning (eek!). They happily colored and participated in writing activities. The boys were able to recall almost no details from the big group story we'd heard while the girls remembered everything. How do real teachers do it?!
I cleaned my blinds the other day and hated every second of it. But it makes me happy that they're clean.
I really want to go on a vacation. Just a little one. I have been racking my brain for somewhere we could go over Spring Break that wouldn't break the bank. We've done almost every "close" big city that I can think of. Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha. I just want to take the kids somewhere different. Not like, Disney World different, just...not Ankeny. Ideas??
My pediatrician said to me the other day when Kase was chatting away at his appointment, "Wow. Kase is really smart," and it KILLED me not to say, "I know."
Kael's teacher e-mailed me with some ideas about some accommodations she'd like to make for Kael. When I explained them to him, he was quiet for a minute, then said, "But will I have to be the only one who does them? I mean, I'm worried I'll be embarrassed." Then he quickly followed up, "But it's fine." And then my heart broke a little bit. I wanted to say, "No, it's not fine, Kael. It sucks that you have to do these things and it sucks that I can't do them for you. You're going to be the only one, and the other kids will notice and it sucks. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't fix it for you. I'm sorry you're different even though we all have differences and that's what makes the world go 'round but I wish it were easier for you. I wish your differences didn't make it hard for you to keep friends. I happen to think it's amazing that you can remember things that happened when you were two and it baffles me that you can't remember where you put your pencil but that's who you are and I love you for it, but others won't be so understanding and that sucks. It fascinates me that you can rattle off state facts and size order but your 8 year old friends don't think that's as cool as I do and I'm sorry." I didn't say that. I smiled and promised that his teacher was going to make it as "cool as possible" and that we do all need help at some point. Some people need help seeing and have glasses, some kids in his class have "help" teachers, some kids are pulled out for Special Ed. In my opinion, there are some pretty high expectations for third graders but I'm confident Kael can hang. He can do it. He just needs a little organizational help and he'll be great. Here's to hoping the accommodations work.
I'm so done with the cold weather. So, Winter, go ahead, pack your bags and get outta here. Thanks. See ya again on, say, December 24?
Thankful Thursday
I'm so thankful for a friend who brought over two huge boxes of clothes for Kylee to borrow! Honestly, it about quadrupled Kylee's wardrobe and she had the best time trying every single thing on!
I'm thankful Kase got his hair cut. I'm doubly thankful Kylee was there to help distract him because he was NOT super excited about it. Kylee got a cute little cut too!
I'm thankful Kase got his hair cut. I'm doubly thankful Kylee was there to help distract him because he was NOT super excited about it. Kylee got a cute little cut too!
I'm thankful that the sleepover at our house went well on Friday night. You never know how it's going to go when a couple eight year old boys are involved.
I'm so thankful for the lock on my pantry. Kase is not so thankful.
I'm thankful for our pediatrician. After nights and nights and nights of terrible sleeping- I finally took Kase in to get his ears checked. His ears (and everything else) were perfectly fine and I know my doctor sincerely meant it when she said she wished she could help and racked her brain for anything that might be causing his sleeplessness.
I'm thankful that Kael got invited to a birthday party this weekend. I'm always so very happy to see him included.
I'm thankful when Kase says, "Sit-me" and points to the chair next to him. I always drop anything I'm in the middle of to sit by him because I know that not too many years from now he won't be begging me to sit by him every minute of every day.
I'm thankful for this article. Me, in a nutshell.
I'm thankful that Kase loves to help me in the kitchen. We are baking or cooking something every single day. He particularly likes the hand mixer and (without the beaters in it) runs it across any flat surface in the house and pretends it's a saw.(He's been watching Kent a lot in the basement.) Love it.
I'm thankful for different parenting styles. I ran into the mom and son whose birthday party Kael had gone to over the weekend at Staples on Monday. In the middle of the day. I asked, "Oh no, sick day?" because I knew Kael had been at his party the day before. The mom replied, "Nope, he just wanted the day off to play with all of his new toys." Um, confuse me? Friends, weigh in! Is this a thing? Am I supposed to be letting my kids have the day off of school after their birthdays to play with their new stuff?
I'm thankful our New York trip has been officially booked! My dad very generously gifted us ladies (my mom, my sisters and me) a trip to the Big Apple this summer! We found a date that works for everyone and I am so excited to get planning!
I'm thankful for Kael's teacher. Conferences are only a couple weeks away, but she e-mailed us the other day with a concern. I really appreciate how she wasn't willing to even let two weeks slip away without working on this issue.
What are you thankful for today?
I'm thankful for our pediatrician. After nights and nights and nights of terrible sleeping- I finally took Kase in to get his ears checked. His ears (and everything else) were perfectly fine and I know my doctor sincerely meant it when she said she wished she could help and racked her brain for anything that might be causing his sleeplessness.
I'm thankful that Kael got invited to a birthday party this weekend. I'm always so very happy to see him included.
I'm thankful when Kase says, "Sit-me" and points to the chair next to him. I always drop anything I'm in the middle of to sit by him because I know that not too many years from now he won't be begging me to sit by him every minute of every day.
I'm thankful for this article. Me, in a nutshell.
I'm thankful that Kase loves to help me in the kitchen. We are baking or cooking something every single day. He particularly likes the hand mixer and (without the beaters in it) runs it across any flat surface in the house and pretends it's a saw.(He's been watching Kent a lot in the basement.) Love it.
I'm thankful for different parenting styles. I ran into the mom and son whose birthday party Kael had gone to over the weekend at Staples on Monday. In the middle of the day. I asked, "Oh no, sick day?" because I knew Kael had been at his party the day before. The mom replied, "Nope, he just wanted the day off to play with all of his new toys." Um, confuse me? Friends, weigh in! Is this a thing? Am I supposed to be letting my kids have the day off of school after their birthdays to play with their new stuff?
I'm thankful our New York trip has been officially booked! My dad very generously gifted us ladies (my mom, my sisters and me) a trip to the Big Apple this summer! We found a date that works for everyone and I am so excited to get planning!
I'm thankful for Kael's teacher. Conferences are only a couple weeks away, but she e-mailed us the other day with a concern. I really appreciate how she wasn't willing to even let two weeks slip away without working on this issue.
What are you thankful for today?
Thankful Thursday
I was thankful for yet another day off school on Monday. I love time home with my kids.
I'm thankful Kylee liked her new gymnastics class. Sort of. She didn't love it as much as I hoped.
I'm thankful my mom and I shared the same sense of humor on Saturday when a lady told us we had sat in her seats while she had stepped away to use the bathroom during Kylee's basketball game. She asked us to move, then proceeded to NOT sit in those seats, but rather stood near the wall talking with a friend, her back to the game the ENTIRE time. My mom and I were dying. Some people!
I'm thankful that when you finish a bag of Starbucks coffee, you can return the bag to Starbucks and get a free small coffee. Is there anything happier than free coffee?
I'm thankful for Wendy's night. Free pass to not to cook. Aaaaand can you get enough of this balloon hat? Me neither.
I'm thankful for a friend who "pays" me in guacamole when I watch her kids. She gets me.
I'm thankful for a long walk on a sunny Sunday with some of the best neighbors a gal could ask for.
I'm thankful our 2014 pool passes have been purchased. 10% off until the end of February, guys!
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful for a cute curly-haired blonde who was happy to share toys with Kase at Open Gym the other day.
I'm thankful that Kylee is moving up to a new gymnastics class. I really think she's going to love it!
I'm thankful for the sunshine, even when it is freezing out.
I'm thankful for after school book clubs. My kids are really enjoying them!
I'm thankful when Kase joins in my at-home workouts.
I'm thankful for plans with girlfriends tonight.
Happy Thursday!
I'm thankful that Kylee is moving up to a new gymnastics class. I really think she's going to love it!
I'm thankful for the sunshine, even when it is freezing out.
I'm thankful for after school book clubs. My kids are really enjoying them!
I'm thankful when Kase joins in my at-home workouts.
I'm thankful for plans with girlfriends tonight.
Happy Thursday!
January 14
Nine years ago today, I stood in a room filled with both of our families.
A handsome twenty-two year old caught my eye and mouthed the words, "You know I love you, right?"
I smiled and nodded. Because, of course, I knew.
He made is way over to me, dropped to his knee and asked me to be his wife.
And all was right with the world.
We often joke about how little we knew back then. How little we knew of what joys and heartache we would go through together. How little we knew of having "real people" jobs and how very, very little we knew about raising children.
We may not have known much, but we knew we wanted to be together. And that was enough.
The other day, in an attempt to pay Kent a compliment, I commented on my admiration of the man he's become. He's an amazing husband and father who has a great job and is now quite handy around the house. I said, "You know, if I had to choose between marrying Kent Now and Kent Nine Years Ago, I'd choose Kent Now. I love who you've become."
He replied, "I'd choose Laura Nine Years Ago."
Har-di-har-har. He's lucky I appreciate his sense of humor.
A handsome twenty-two year old caught my eye and mouthed the words, "You know I love you, right?"
I smiled and nodded. Because, of course, I knew.
He made is way over to me, dropped to his knee and asked me to be his wife.
And all was right with the world.
We often joke about how little we knew back then. How little we knew of what joys and heartache we would go through together. How little we knew of having "real people" jobs and how very, very little we knew about raising children.
We may not have known much, but we knew we wanted to be together. And that was enough.
The other day, in an attempt to pay Kent a compliment, I commented on my admiration of the man he's become. He's an amazing husband and father who has a great job and is now quite handy around the house. I said, "You know, if I had to choose between marrying Kent Now and Kent Nine Years Ago, I'd choose Kent Now. I love who you've become."
He replied, "I'd choose Laura Nine Years Ago."
Har-di-har-har. He's lucky I appreciate his sense of humor.
Weekend Wrap-Up
I spent my weekend...
...geeking out on Rainbow Looms. Kylee and I have had the best time mastering new bracelet designs!
...watching basketball games. The kids are really having fun this season.
..."helping" Kent frame the basement. This, of course, involved no heavy lifting on my part. I was in charge of keeping the kids otherwise entertained.
...seeing Kylee win a teddy bear on the claw game at Godfather's. The last time I saw anyone win a-n-y-thing from one of those games was in Kansas City circa 2009 with Kent's brothers when we stationed a person on each side of the glass- it was seriously a five person effort- and someone Kevin walked away with a basketball.
...sleeping. Ha! Just kidding! Kase has been back to his old tricks of waking up at 4:30 every.single.morning and napping terribly.
...playing infinite rounds of Hide and Sneak, a game the kids made up. So fun.
...enjoying a walk around the pond nearby. It was so nice to get some fresh air!
...geeking out on Rainbow Looms. Kylee and I have had the best time mastering new bracelet designs!
...watching basketball games. The kids are really having fun this season.
..."helping" Kent frame the basement. This, of course, involved no heavy lifting on my part. I was in charge of keeping the kids otherwise entertained.
...seeing Kylee win a teddy bear on the claw game at Godfather's. The last time I saw anyone win a-n-y-thing from one of those games was in Kansas City circa 2009 with Kent's brothers when we stationed a person on each side of the glass- it was seriously a five person effort- and someone Kevin walked away with a basketball.
...sleeping. Ha! Just kidding! Kase has been back to his old tricks of waking up at 4:30 every.single.morning and napping terribly.
...playing infinite rounds of Hide and Sneak, a game the kids made up. So fun.
...enjoying a walk around the pond nearby. It was so nice to get some fresh air!
Have a great week, guys!
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful for a couple cold days off of school.I certainly did not mind an extra day with the kids.
I'm thankful Kent got a good start on framing the basement bathroom this weekend!
I'm thankful for lots of family who helped out while Kent was working on the basement.
I'm thankful the kids and I had dentist appointments this week. Cross that off the list for another six months.
I'm thankful for Kael and Kylee's help folding laundry. The other day I was trying unsuccessfully to get Kase to sleep and I asked Kael and Kylee to start folding the laundry. I laughed so hard when I came out of Kase's room and saw his pajamas hanging on his door. So cute that they hadn't wanted to wake him but wanted to do their best putting laundry away.
I'm thankful for some brother (and cousin!) love. Kylee has always had tons of patience for Kase and we can always count on her to play with him and make him smile. But over break I got to see a neat relationship between Kael and Kase. Kael has really grown into such a caring, helpful young man who looks out for his little brother. Kase is really going to miss Kael and Kylee when they go back to school!
I'm thankful for time to use Kylee's new EZ Bake Frosting Pen with her. This thing is COOL!
I would really like to be thankful that Kael's beloved Bengals won but they didn't. :( I care more about NFL this season than any other season in my life.
I'm thankful that Kylee still fits on this thing at Chuck E. Cheese. Hilarious. Kael tried but it wouldn't go up.
I'm thankful for Kent's patience and a very helpful forklift that distracted Kase for a loooong time at Home Depot last Saturday. I
Happy Thursday!
Catching up
It has been brought to my attention that for over a month now I've posted only on Thankful Thursday, and one week I even posted that on the wrong day.
"No Christmas pictures?" accused Kent.
"I was starting to wonder..." questioned my mom.
Clearly, two of the people closest to me in the entire world aren't getting enough. So, my two most faithful readers, here you go!
Let's just be honest though. I have too much to say and no one has time to read a super long blog post this time of year, so I'll do what I always do when I'm behind. Flood you with pictures and fill in with little blurbs. You're welcome.
Christmas this year was wonderful. Last year, Kylee was sick most of winter break so having all of us healthy this year was so nice. All said and done, I think we fit eight Christmas celebrations into thirteen days. The kids got some awesome and thoughtful gifts and hopefully gave some meaningful gifts too. There is nothing like the pride on Kylee's face when she handed us her gift that her teacher had helped make at school. She'd kept it hidden under the tree and was nearly bursting when it was time to give it to us. I.love.it.
There were surprises that wow-ed. There were wintery walks in the backyard. There were snow fights that turned into all out warfare. There was downtime and late nights and early mornings and sleepy snuggles. There were jammie days that nearly turned into jammmie weeks. (I honestly can't remember Kylee wearing anything besides her footie jammies for the entire second week of Christmas break). There were new traditions and traditions changed. I'm sad that winter break is nearly over but I think we made the most of it. I had grand plans of trips to the Science Center, Chuck E. Cheese, movie theater, ice skating rink...and guess what?! We did none of that. Zip. We stayed home and hung out with friends and family. What more could a girl ask for?
My heart is full and I feel hopeful as we head into this new year. With several friends and neighbors facing big decisions (think: job changes/moving) I'm thankful that we are where we are this year. I feel settled. Happy. I think we've hit our stride as a family of five. I'm anxious to see what 2014 has in store for us!
"No Christmas pictures?" accused Kent.
"I was starting to wonder..." questioned my mom.
Clearly, two of the people closest to me in the entire world aren't getting enough. So, my two most faithful readers, here you go!
Let's just be honest though. I have too much to say and no one has time to read a super long blog post this time of year, so I'll do what I always do when I'm behind. Flood you with pictures and fill in with little blurbs. You're welcome.
Christmas this year was wonderful. Last year, Kylee was sick most of winter break so having all of us healthy this year was so nice. All said and done, I think we fit eight Christmas celebrations into thirteen days. The kids got some awesome and thoughtful gifts and hopefully gave some meaningful gifts too. There is nothing like the pride on Kylee's face when she handed us her gift that her teacher had helped make at school. She'd kept it hidden under the tree and was nearly bursting when it was time to give it to us. I.love.it.
There were surprises that wow-ed. There were wintery walks in the backyard. There were snow fights that turned into all out warfare. There was downtime and late nights and early mornings and sleepy snuggles. There were jammie days that nearly turned into jammmie weeks. (I honestly can't remember Kylee wearing anything besides her footie jammies for the entire second week of Christmas break). There were new traditions and traditions changed. I'm sad that winter break is nearly over but I think we made the most of it. I had grand plans of trips to the Science Center, Chuck E. Cheese, movie theater, ice skating rink...and guess what?! We did none of that. Zip. We stayed home and hung out with friends and family. What more could a girl ask for?
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Gingerbread housing. And yes, they all dove in face first as soon as they were constructed. |
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We clocked some serious cousin time this break. |
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Two kids were excited about Santa's gifts. |
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One wondered where breakfast was. |
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A present even bigger then Kylee herself?! |
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Snow tunnels and sledding behind 4-wheelers in small town Iowa. Nothin' better. |
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Kent trying to secure Favorite Uncle status. |
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A Hawkeye loss is much more bearable when wearing such a cute hat. ;) |
I hope I never forget...
...how Kael wets his his hair down every time he goes in the bathroom because he wants it to "go the other way". The fact that he is caring about his appearance speaks volumes about how much he's been growing up lately.
...how Kylee flies down the stairs in her rear end. I have never seen anything like it in my life.
...how Kael wants me to stay in his bedroom until he is all situated and apologizes for "making me wait so long" then in the sweetest voice and he signals that he is ready for me to leave by saying "Goodnight, Mom." And then I know he's ready for me to walk out the door.
...how they still make footie pajamas in Kylee's size and how happy they make her.
...how Flarp is the funniest thing in the world to an eight and six year old.
...how Kase holds up one finger high above his head and proudly proclaims, "One!!!" when you ask him how old he is.
...how Kylee sings "Hail to the King" at the top of her lungs.
...how I learned to knit so I could help Kael since his teacher has been teaching him and he wanted to practice at home. Several YouTube videos later, I had it down. Well, at least enough to help him.
...how Kael schooled all the neighborhood dads in a geography quiz on NYE.
2013 was a good one but I think 2014 is going to be even better! Happy New Year's, everyone!
...how Kylee sings "Hail to the King" at the top of her lungs.
...how I learned to knit so I could help Kael since his teacher has been teaching him and he wanted to practice at home. Several YouTube videos later, I had it down. Well, at least enough to help him.
...how Kael schooled all the neighborhood dads in a geography quiz on NYE.
2013 was a good one but I think 2014 is going to be even better! Happy New Year's, everyone!
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