Yesterday, Kael found out who his teacher was. There was one teacher he kept mentioning that he hoped he didn't have and I felt really awful. Had something happened that made him worry about having her as a teacher? Finally, he admitted to me, "Well, I don't know where her room is." Whew. That would have been an easy fix. Ultimately, he ended up with a different teacher anyways, and we are very happy about his placement. Knowing who his teacher will be really helps him visualize his transition back to school now that he knows which room he'll be in.
We headed out to buy school supplies. Boys are so easy. I remember agonizing over just which neon-colored Lisa Frank notebook might look best in my Trapper Keeper. Not Kael. He picked out the first backpack he saw- it was on sale and I had a happy was I? Here is a picture of said backpack. I think he made a great choice!
Speaking of back-to-school stuff, I am totally stealing this idea for a teacher's gift this year (if I have time.) I'm really thankful for creative people who post things like this for me to use!
My girlfriend Dawn has me totally ready for fall! I would add to her list that I am anxious for football games (and football weather, right?) and making chili. I completely second her craving for some pumpkin bars. Delish. She mentioned fall candles-I would also suggest that Wal-Mart carries some really reasonably-priced, great-smelling candles in the fall. Last year I had their pumpkin one and their cinnamon one and they were awesome.
Speaking of things that happened on August 1, my Kylee Kay had her Toe Tappers Recital, which is code for "try to get ten- 3 year olds to all do the same thing at the same time" which is code for "a really nice mixture of impossible and hilarious".
Kylee is pretty mature for her age (that's not just something I say because I'm her mom, really. Other people tell me that all the time. Plus, she's really practically four and lots of the other girls had just turned three) so she did a really great job with the routine. I was so proud of her!

After her recital we took her out for ice cream (her recital was right next to DQ) before heading home for supper. She thought it was great and she keeps asking me if we can do Backwards Dinner again sometime soon.

Have you started your Back-To-School transition?
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