Kael started preschool in September at the same school he went to last year and seems to be enjoying it. He goes there 3 days a week and last week he started a new school 2 days a week so now he is gone at school every day from 12:00-2:30. It's crazy to me that I have a preschooler- especially one that is gone every day! He is so grown up. Funny story about when he started school- when I picked him up the first days of school I would ask him if he'd met some new friends and asked who he played with and several times he responded, "Mom, I played with no one at school." Naturally, as a mother my heart just broke. But I thought, it's ok, surely he is playing with someone, right? So I'd ask him again and he'd say, "Today I played with no one." I was nearly in tears when I finally asked the teacher one day if Kael ever played with any of the kids and she said, "Oh yeah, especially Nolen- they play trucks together every day!" Turns out Kael had been playing with "No-len" not "no-one". He honestly thought this kid's name was No one. It is adorable how innocently funny little kids are. However, I'm almost ashamed to admit just how very excited I was to hear that Kael did, in fact, have friends at school.
Kylee has been doing great too. We moved her into a big girl bed a couple weeks ago which she seems to like. She transitioned much easier than I thought because she looooved her crib but (besides having a little cold) has been sleeping all night in her big bed! What else can I say about Kylee? She truly leaves me speechless sometimes which I suppose is good because with as much as she talks I wouldn't have time to say anything anyways! One of the boys I babysit who is almost 3 can't quite say Kylee (it is quite a mouthful for little kids...) and it comes out sounding like Dotty. Without a moment's hesitation she declares, "It's KY-LEE, not Dotty!" She's not trying to be mean, just honest.
Kent and I went to St. Louis a couple weekends ago so the kids had an extended sleepover at my parents- 3 nights! I know it doesn't sound like that long but I'm pretty sure it was the longest we've left them anywhere without us! They had so much fun and we did too. Kent's cousin Ben works with the St. Louis Rams so we went to the game. There was so much going on in St. Louis that weekend- the Cardinals were in town, Rams (obviously) had a home game and there was a big Oktoberfest thing going on. Kent and I had so much fun living the big city life for a weekend but after a few days away from the kids and plenty of time spent in traffic and parking ramps we were happy to come back home sweet home. We also had fun this last weekend celebrating birthdays- my sister, Kent's dad and brother. For Mandy's we went out to Bass Pro shop which was so much fun and for Kent's family they came here to watch the Hawkeye game on Saturday night. Everyone was so nervous all game but when the Hawks finally pulled it off you would not believe the uproar at our house! I couldn't believe the kids slept through it. Kent is truly in heaven- his Hawks off to an 8-0 start! He couldn't be happier.
Halloween is right around the corner and, as always, I have put off the kids costumes. Kael has been telling me he wants to be a pumpkin which sounds easy, right? It's just that my mother-in-law had gotten him a Vikings football outfit this summer and my mom had given Kylee a Vikings cheerleader costume this summer too so I was thinking that would be perfect- how cute would they be as football player and cheerleader?! And super easy since I am creatively challenged. But Kael is sticking to his guns on this pumpkin thing....stay tuned for Halloween pictures and you'll find out who wins this battle. :)
Here is Kael riding his new jeep. I remember thinking when I grew up how cool power wheels were. Then as a new parent several years ago I remember finding out how pricey they are. This one is a garage sale find but for me these things are priceless. Kael has spent countless hours on his jeep and tractor and is just so darn happy driving around our yard!

Here's Kylee who couldn't be happier about the cookie and the amount of frosting on it (that ended up all over her face)
Here we are in Pella visiting Aunt Tammy for Homecoming. Kael thinks it's pretty funny that bikes get thrown in that pond during the infamous Lemming Race. Funny unless it's your bike I guess.
I will continue posting pictures of Kylee in her Hawkeye "pretty" mostly because I think it's cute. :) I have said it before and I will say it again, every mother should have a little girl!!!
Kael loves riding Grandpa's tractor.

Kael loved his green party hat for Aunt Mandy's birthday. Kylee loved the cupcake she "helped" Aunt Mandy eat.
Have you ever seen 3 girls that look so much alike (but are all soooo different?!)
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