The day after Easter was Kael's birthday. 4 years old, can you believe it? I sure can't. I feel like I blinked and he grew up. Kael and Kylee are so sweet and still so innocent; I wish I could just freeze time. I know there are so many great moments ahead of us but if these years could just last a little bit longer I wouldn't complain at all. Anyways, we had a great time celebrating his birthday. 4 is a fun age. They're old enough to get really excited about their birthday, but not old enough that they only want to hang out with friends. We are so lucky to have grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles who live close and who want to celebrate the kids birthdays. So we did quite a few little family celebrations. Here's Kael with his requested chocolate strawberry birthday cake. (I actually didn't burn it or anything!!! Even Kent was marginally impressed.) I think Kael's favorite part of his birthday was when eveyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

Each year I get less and less excited about my birthday. And not because I'm getting older; it's just so much more fun to play a child's birthday party than my own! But I was not forgotten. My favorite part was when the kids and Kent took me out breakfast. Actually, Kylee had gotten up early so Kent let me stay in bed and was just going to take her with him to pick breakfast up but Kael woke up while they were getting ready to go. So Kael wanted to go along. Then Kael looks at me and said, "Mom aren't you going to come?" so we all ended up at Daylight Donuts in our jammies. Such fun memories. I got lots of wonderful presents- here is a picture of me in my new Italian apron. Yes, I said Italian. As in, straight from Italy! Mom, Dad and Tam picked that up for me when they were there. If you can't tell, I'm super excited!
Clearly I should do this blogging thing more often because this one has gotten way too long! I will close with a couple more pictures of the kids. First if of Kylee in her little pigtails trying to ride a scooter. She also is growing up way too fast. She looks so grown up in this picture! Next is of Kael on a preschool field trip to the farm where he got to ride a horse. Yes all 24 kids in his class took turns riding a horse and every last one of them loved it. Including Kael, as you can see by his huge smile.

seriously how can they be so freaking cute?? I seriously emailed pictures of your kids to my school friends. Yep, i'm that crazy. There's a pretty good chance my classmates think i have children bc my desktop background alternates btwn your kids and baby G - haha! Whatever, at least 'my' kids are freakin adorable!!!
ahh that was so cute! you do have some pretty good material to work with though :) i can't wait to see you all NEXT WEEK!!!!
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