
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Well this weekend didn't go how we expected.

Friday afternoon started off great- Kase went to Urban Air with cousins and a friend and then later the pool- a great day!

Friday night Kylee was at a pool party with Garrett so the boys and I went out for dinner and stopped at Sips and Sounds in The District- super fun night!

Saturday we had baseball in Ankeny and Kase slid into third base and got his hand stepped on.  We rushed to Urgent Care for an x-ray before they closed and sure enough he had fractured his pinkie.  It was super swollen so they put a splint on it and recommended we come back later this week and likely will have to put a cast on it.  Super bummer.  Kase handled it really well though and even though he was in a lot of pain he went right back to cheer on his team. Very thankful for all the people who reached out to check on him and also very thankful Kylee had come up to the game in her own vehicle and was able to rush to drive us to Urgent Care and back! She told me later she felt like a getaway driver!

So, instead of sitting around pouting all afternoon we loaded up and took off for the pond.  Kase's day was made when he got this giant pike!

Kylee and Garrett were so happy to be available to go along to and G got the first fish! Kylee had some really nice ones all day too.

Kase was happy to bring some buddies along and had a fun day.  We missed Kael being there with us but he was doing his last shift at Fareway and then headed to the gym and then hung out with a friend so he had a good night too. 

Sunday we had later games so Kylee went to church in Ames with a friend.  Kent and I went for a walk, made a big breakfast on the Blackstone then we went to late church.  Kael mowed for us and went to the gym. The Crew played two games and Kase was the BEST bat boy and hype guy but we still went 0-2. 

Kylee got her nails done with a friend then went to a friend's pool then had more afternoon plans with friends- something with flower bouquets and then out to Saylorville to watch the sunset.  Kael had some college friends over then went for dinner and bowling with them.  So happy that my big kids both seemed to have a great weekend and so thankful for all the friends and family who checked in on Kase! 


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful Kase got invited to the lake with his friend and their family!

I'm thankful for some really cute pictures from Kylee's XC retreat.

I'm thankful Kase learned how to waterski!!

Happy Thursday!


Weekend Wrap-Up

It was a full, fun weekend! Kase and team played in Omaha and went 3-3.  Such a cool experience for the team and Kase pitched really well all weekend! 

Top Golf was a hit with the boys too.

One of the biggest highlights of the weekend was the College World Series that Kent and Kase went to with a few friends and Keith and Cindy.  Kase got the home run ball from Christian Moore that was only the second time in CWS history that someone had hit for the cycle! 

Seriously so, so cool!! What a memory!

Meanwhile Kylee was home having fun with friends. Sunset photo shoot on the beach, sleepover, an attempt at the Farmer's Market (too rainy) and later a movie with Garrett. I think she had a good weekend! Kael was busy with work, running/biking with a friend and late night steak grilling- ha. 

I split my time between home and Omaha so I could see the boys play.  So proud of what Kent has created with this team and I love seeing Kase do his thing.


Today we celebrate Kent and what a great dad he is! He's the first to make everyone laugh, he shows up to every kid's event as often as he can which is almost always! He works so hard for our family and we're so lucky he's ours.  We had a surprising free afternoon and everyone was up for an adventure so we took off for the pond! Had a great afternoon fishing and swimming and my parents came up too.  Later we went to Clear Lake to have dinner with them and walk uptown to get ice cream and people watch by the water! Beautiful night and love making memories with my people!

Kylee was the lucky fisherwoman of the trip! She caught a lot of bass!

Loved getting to spend time with my dad on Father's Day in one of our favorite places!

Great teamwork here! Kase loved being a helper in the water.  The flies were biting so he swam almost the whole time to keep them away!

I'm the luckiest.  Love this guy so much.  Really excited to be in the same city as him for the rest of the month after spending much of our late May/early June going different directions for trips, baseball, etc.!

What a great weekend.  Love our life so much. 



Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful Kael was able to help my dad with some work at his house earlier this week.  Kael loves spending time with him and it was a great way for him to feel productive on his day off!

I'm thankful Kylee gets home today! She is very ready to sleep in her own bed after a long couple weeks of traveling. 

I'm thankful Kent and Kase have a fun weekend ahead in Omaha! They are there for a tournament with the Crew and after games they have plans for Top Golf, dinner out with the team and one night they are going to the College World Series! 

Have a great weekend!


Weekend Wrap-Up

 Lots of pictures to share this time!

Kylee wasn't on her phone much at all in Cali but she did send me a bunch of photos when she got home.  Looks like it was a great time and she really enjoyed the group she went with!

Kent and I walked up to watch one of Garrett's games and loved the way the light was literally shining right on him in left field as we walked up! Kase and friends went to a bunch of games this week- both sophomore and varsity and we got to see a fun cross town rivalry game too!

One of Kylee's friends' moms took these photos of the girls a few weekends ago- love them!

Took this car full of crazies to Miracle League to play ball on Thursday. Also that night we were able to squeeze in a quick night out with our best friends- so good to catch up with them! 

Then on Friday, my sister took Kase up with her kids to the lake for the weekend! Kent and I were a few hours behind as we had to drop off stuff for Kylee's upcoming cross country retreat to her coach's house. 

These boys had a great time together!

Kase loves driving the boat.

And Kase pulled a tooth because of course he did.

Crazy cousins.

Berkley was my little sidekick Friday night and Saturday morning! Love her.

We all love riding on the pontoon!

It wasn't the warmest but Kase and Huston made the best of it and had a hilarious time on the "floating" (sinking) dock!

We tried some sunset fishing.  Beautiful view, zero fish.

Rainy morning but not so rainy we couldn't take a nice long walk! 

A picture from Kylee ready to head home!

Sun was starting to come out and Kase was ready to drive again.

I needed to head home to be there when Kylee arrived home but Kent and Kase stayed up in Clear Lake and Kent rented this! He's always wanted to do that!

Kylee arrived home happy and tired and I love all the pictures!!!

Ice cream time in Clear Lake!

Kael spent most of the week/weekend working but on Sunday was his turn for some fun! He went Skydiving with Grandpa Keith!!! It was a birthday gift that we had to wait for the weather to be just perfect for and I'm so glad they fit it in! Kael loved it and said it was his instructor's 2500th jump so that made me feel better!

There they go!

Cool plane!


Thankful his sweet girlfriend (and also Grandma Cindy) were able to go along to take pictures!

Meanwhile there was more fun to be had at the lake.

Breakfast buddies. These two got to spend more time together than they usually do and I think they both really loved that! There was a lot of wiffle ball and swimming!

The golf cart was a hit too.

We scooped the loop around town and found a cute little garden to walk through.  As I'm writing this, I seriously had to glance down to see if I had a teal or yellow shirt wrapped around my waist because I couldn't tell who was who in this photo.  #twinning

Swimming on the "floating" dock in some crazy wind and waves!

We also toured the Surf Ballroom which was really cool! Kase was more interested in it than I would have guessed him to be and wanted to know the whole story about The Day The Music Died.

It was just a great weekend- a little choppy with me coming to and from Clear Lake so I could be home when Kylee arrived home from her mission trip and help her get packed and ready to leave for her XC trip but once she had taken off and I headed back to the lake we had a great Sunday enjoying the day.  Thankful for a beautiful place to spend our baseball free weekend and thankful for a super fun gift from Keith and Cindy for Kael to get to enjoy such an amazing experience as skydiving!!!