I'm SO thankful that Kase finally started feeling better last Saturday morning. He was in terrible ear pain for several days after our Mexico trip and the meds didn't kick in right away at all. Big shoutout to my mother-in-law for taking Kase to a second Urgent Care appointment for me while I was at a different appointment with Kylee and finally securing some meds that worked and some relief for Kase.
So, besides Kase's ear pain we had a great week back in town. Kylee got to get back into running and also hung out with Garrett a lot. Kael worked and also hung out with his friend Emma and was also glad to be back to going to the gym. Kase and his friends played allll day every day around the 'hood then also had their first 7 on 7 football games! Despite being in a ton of pain, Kase played great. I was so proud of him.
He had such a hard time eating anything because he wasn't able to chew due to ear pain so we celebrated his football win with a big shake!
Friday night at 10:30 Kael and Kylee met up with the youth group at church and took off for Rocky Mountain High in Estes Park, Colorado! Kylee reported they did not get much sleep on the way there and I didn't get a lot of updates from she or Kael while she was gone but I will share the few photos I have so far but I'm sure I will share more later. They both had a great time and are glad they went! I did, however get a phone call from them once when they were together on the top of a mountain after a beautiful hike. My heart was so happy when I saw this picture of them!
Saturday Kase had some time to play with friends before we headed to the airport. We got through security just in time to board our plane then found out we had an almost three hour delay. Oof. Oh well! We played cards and got some food and were on the plane before we knew it. Got to our hotel in Florida late that night.
The next day we slept in which was so great and much needed for Kase. Then we went shark fishing! Kael and Kylee had each caught sharks on a different fishing trip a year or so ago but Kase hadn't landed one so it was the perfect time to take him. Our guide was awesome- one of my favorite we've ever had and we had awesome luck! I bet we caught 15-20 sharks! Kase couldn't reel them in fast enough!
We were wrapping up just as a storm rolled in- we were safe but it made for some gnarly pictures!
I couldn't believe it when Kase fell asleep on the ride back to the marina! Poor buddy still must not have been feeling great.
Back to the hotel to relax and get some food then Kase, who had been spying little ponds all over, wanted to go for a walk because he was just sure there were gators in them. Turns out, he was right! We walked by a golf course two minutes away from our hotel and spotted a gator immediately!
Monday Kent had a coaches meeting then the boys had a practice- it was great to meet all of the teammates! We also had fun checking out the complex-it is such a cool place!
Later that night there was a big opening ceremony for the athletes and their families. There were food trucks, bat demos, music- and the boys had pins to trade so that was really fun trying to get all the pins from each region. Then the teams got announced and got to parade into the big stadium and then there were fireworks! Super cool!
Kase was living his best life eating pizza in his hotel bed when we got home late that night. Happy buddy.
Tuesday was player evaluations then a scrimmage. Another great experience for the boys!
Kase, of course, had to visit all the swag tents. He got a pretty cool cross baseball necklace and later a new bat bag.
We had a pretty free afternoon so after Kent worked on lineups and Kase swam a little at the hotel pool, we decided to do go karts. We ran into one of Kase's teammates there and they had a great time racing each other!

While we were racing, another big storm rolled through so we were glad we had gotten our baseball stuff in earlier that day and also glad we had chosen an indoor activity like go karting instead of going to the beach! We had dinner and when we got back to our hotel there was the biggest, awesome rainbow! I wasn't able to get a picture of the whole thing but we took the rainbow as a good luck sign.
Wednesday was the start of pool play. We went 2-0 on the day! Boys played really well and they are a fun team to watch.
After the games I headed home since Kael and Kylee were getting home later that night.
After I left the boys hit the Cocoa Beach Pier.
I got home just in time to unpack and do a few things around the house before Kael and Kylee are getting home here soon! Can't wait to hear all about their trip!