Easter weekend was definitely not a typical Easter for us this year but we had a great weekend. Here's how we spent it!
I'm thankful that Kase and I squeezed in time to decorate a few eggs! Happy we've been able to keep this tradition going for so many years. Kylee even joined in to help with a few when she got home from a practice last week.
Thursday was so, so windy here that Kylee's track meet got canceled which she was bummed about because it was a home meet and lots of her friends and family had planned to come watch. She ended up spending some time with her friend that she hadn't had much time to hang out with recently so that worked out well. Kael hung out with one of his friends too.
Friday there was no school but Kylee and I needed to head to Kansas City for a volleyball tournament. The Easter bunny left her a surprise in the car for the road trip!
Kael and Kase hung out at home together for a couple hours before Kent came home from work early. Kael is such a good big brother pitching heavy balls to Kase!
Later Kase played with some buddies. Kent and Kael got some stuff done around the house and Kael had lifting and a track practice.
We made it to KC and got all checked into our hotel then headed out for her first matches!
We went 2-1 the first day and she played great!
Friday night Kase had a football game- Kael and lots of family went along to watch despite the chilly conditions! I don't have any pictures (lots of video) but sounds like it was a fun game besides the lights going out!
Saturday morning Kael got to throw discus at Drake! Such a cool experience. Lots of family was there to cheer him on too.
Meanwhile, Kylee had the afternoon wave for games in KC so we had the morning to just kind of relax then explore the area near our hotel.
These girls played so well on Saturday! 3-0 on the day!
These boys got to go out for dinner with Keith, Cindy, Kevin, Kaity, Kellen and Krue so they were happy campers! Kase had gone to a movie earlier in the day with his friend too.
Sunday morning these boys woke up and found their Easter basket surprises and a few eggs around the house. Kudos to Kent for being Easter bunny in my absence!
I didn't like being apart for Easter so I appreciated all the pictures Kent sent me. The boys watched church online (because we had changed plans so last minute with volleyball and track so there hadn't been any available seats in person.)
Sunday morning Kylee and I were up early to get checked out and to the convention center on time. We caught the end of her good friends' game who played right before us.
We had another great day of volleyball starting off with the first set going 30-28! We ended up winning the third 16-14 so these girls certainly gave it their all. Loved spending time with Kylee this weekend and seeing her so happy.
Meanwhile back home my boys went to my mom and dad's to celebrate Easter and the April birthdays!
A football, a new baseball shirt, and new shoes. What else could this kid ask for?!
So happy.
Love this cousin crew! Kael had to leave early for work but sounds like these guys all had a great day together.
The annual egg-cracking contest!
Birthday buddies.
The whole gang. Love that they were able to get together and squeeze in some birthday fun which is quite an accomplishment during our crazy April!
In the end, Kylee's team was 7-2 on the weekend and
3rd place overall!!! So awesome in a huge tournament like this and they
officially got a bid to Nationals!

I arrived home last night (after a crazy snowy drive home with lots of accidents spotted along the way) to a blessedly clean house and beautiful flowers on the table. Kent even had a candle lit so the house would smell and look perfect when I walked in the door. The boys were ready and waiting in the garage when we pulled in to help unload all our stuff for the weekend. Love my guys. It was great to sit around and catch up all together as a family- seeing all the things they had gotten from Easter (from the bunny and also from my parents) and hear about their April birthday celebration and dinner out with the Pattersons. Like Kent always says, "we're better together". It's always great to go and support our kids and be able to be at all their things but it's even better when we all end up back home together and can share and hear about each others' weekends. We spent the evening unpacking, then sat in the hot tub, then later Kylee's boyfriend came over and brought her flowers for qualifying for Nationals and he even brought me flowers for my birthday! That was the sweetest surprise!!! What a great weekend and while it may have not been a typical Easter, I am certainly feeling every one of God's blessings and feeling so thankful for this life I have and another birthday celebrated!