We were all so excited about a white Christmas!!!
The snow came down and the kids were so excited to go out and play and help scoop. Kase and one of his buddies did the sidewalks while Kylee and Kael worked on the driveway.
Kylee had some plans with friends but the new snow had my boys dying to go street sledding. They had done this last winter while Kylee and I were at a volleyball tournament so I had never been a part of it but they begged me to go and I'm so glad I did.
They even got me out on the tube!
The next morning Kase played with friends. Here he is with his bestie painting ornaments with the siblings.
Kylee and Garrett celebrated Christmas with each other and exchanged their gifts- they are so sweet and she loved all the presents he got her! I was super impressed with the photo blanket he had made for her and he even had gifts for Kent and I too. Such a nice guy.
Kael, of course, braved the cold and sat in the hot tub in the middle of the blizzard and subzero temps!
Kase had a friend join us later that day and we all had fun playing cards.
Then, we got word that my dad was released from the hospital! I didn't want my mom to have to drive in the snowy conditions and it was getting dark too, so Kent and I went to pick them up.
Meanwhile, Kael drove Kylee, Kase and Garrett to get dinner and they held down the fort here.
Home Sweet Home!
Totally unrelated to Christmas and a bit out of order but one of the basketball moms takes the BEST pictures for our team and sent this out so I wanted to share them before I forgot. Love how she captures Kase's personality!
Kase won a yo-yo between games and was having the best time playing with it while all his friends stared at their phones-ha. Kase finally convinced them to give it a try and join him!

Ok, back to Christmas. I will miss morning coffee by the Christmas tree!
We had planned to have my parents' Christmas on the 23rd but my dad had just gotten home from the hospital so we pushed those plans back a week. So, we had the whole day at home together! Made a big breakfast and enjoyed playing games together all day.
Christmas Eve is the day us 5 celebrate together. Kent and I were up early but the kids actually slept in!
Traditional big breakfast before gifts.
We played a few games to determine who would open gifts first. This is Real Life Strategy Steps- a family favorite from Wii Party that we brought to real life.
The kids did the best job ever with gifts to each other this year!
Kase loving his new robe, slippers and yo-yo.
We had lunch at Nonna's which everyone loved.
Then back home for more gifts. Kael totally surprised Kent with tickets to a concert that Kent didn't even know about!
Kase got a phone for Christmas but I love this picture because he barely looked at his phone (he was excited about it but not instantly obsessed with it) and had just as much fun looking through his new football cards.
Then, all dressed up for Christmas Eve church!
So fun to see my high school best friend and her family there. Keith and Cindy also joined us this year which we were so happy about!
Back home for dinner (tacos and queso this year) and a dessert tray. Then we watched Polar Express before everyone headed off to bed!
I couldn't believe how late the kids slept in on Christmas morning. I'm just sure this is the first year we have made it past 7:00. Kase and Kylee were up first and waited patiently for Kael. I think it was about 7:45 when they all came downstairs.
Christmas 2022!!!!
The kids were all so happy, thankful, and surprised with their gifts. It's so fun having older kids who take time to appreciate each gift and take turns so we can all see what everyone else got!
Then, off to Keith and Cindy's for Christmas with the Pattersons! This cousin crew has so much fun together.
The gingers!
Kase wished so hard for a dog but, alas, had to settle for playing with his cousins' dogs.
We played a modified, indoor version of bags and Kael and Cindy were the champions!
Later Kael and Kyle rocked out to end the evening. Another great day and everyone loved all their presents and just really enjoyed being together.
We headed home, unloaded all the gifts then Kent commented on how it was snowing again and how the plows hadn't been through and how it would be perfect to street sled again. Of course the kids all wanted to go, especially since Kylee hadn't gone ever. So, we loaded up and went to my parent's- a perfect reason to see them on Christmas and also borrow their ski rope and also they could watch the kids from their front window. A fun end to our day.
We have spent the morning here putting away all the Christmas things (we even have our tree down already!) It feels great to have things back organized and Kase is off playing with a friend and Kael and Kylee went with Kent to help take down the tree at his office.
Looking forward to the rest of break with my people!!! And one more Christmas celebration to go!